The best thing about being a student is that you can make content almost about anything. College or university years are the time when you explore the world and yourself. It’s the time when you choose your future career, fall in love and meet new people. And through your YouTube channel, you can share your experience and help other young people on their way.

First Steps

First of all, you need to figure out where to start. If you had nothing to do with YouTube before, then everything is relatively simple – you need to create a channel and start developing a plan. If you already have a channel then you need to prepare it. How to do it? Delete irrelevant and old content that you think cannot contribute to your channel or does not go along with the student’s theme.

You already have an advantage over other new bloggers on the platform – you know that you want to produce content for young people, mainly students, about everything that has to do with them and their lives. You can shoot very diverse videos within this subject.

After you upload your video, you need to find an effective way to promote it on and outside the platform. Buy youtube video views to get your channel initial start.

Things To Consider

Content on YouTube can be divided into three main categories:

  • News Content
  • Cognitive
  • Entertaining

The good thing is that you can produce videos of all three types for your channel.

The video duration is another important thing to consider:

  • Short videos are 2-6 minutes long. This is optimal for new YouTubers.
  • Medium videos are up to 20-35 minutes.
  • Long videos are everything that is above 35 minutes.

Again different topics you cover in your videos require different duration. The first introductory videos are best to do short. And for explanatory videos, it is better to do medium and long videos.

Different Video Categories You Can Use


The main purpose of these videos is to give some kind of exclusive knowledge that will make the viewer’s life better. Non-obvious ways to achieve a goal, reviews of some commonly used items, ratings and tops – all this can be attributed to types of life hacks.

How To

How-to videos are tutorials, video instructions that will teach your audience how to do or achieve something.


In the planning category, bloggers talk about their plans for the near future using the example of their smartly designed diaries and notebooks. It is a trendy and original way to communicate with your audience.


If you like the stand-up and comic category the parody video is for you. The key factor is that you really have to be funny. You can imitate famous politicians, show business stars or movie heroes in front of the camera alone. If you want you can gather a team and think over the whole miniatures.

Social Experiment

Viewers like observing how people behave in given situations. Especially in those cases when they are completely unprepared for them.


If you live a terribly interesting life, or at least know how to talk about it in a way that people really listen to you, take the risk of trying a lifestyle. Depending on what is going in your life you can create videos based on it.


A very popular category where you unpack something purchased online and share your impression on camera.


This is a sophisticated category because you need to have some reputation to ask people expertise or inconvenient questions. You can make a different section for video interview tips to put suggestions and tips from experts.


Videos about make-up and cosmetics are very common. If you like this theme and have some valuable experience you can share it with the audience.

Food Blog

Do you know how to cook or just like eating on camera? Then this category is for you.

Fitness & Sports

This category speaks for itself.

Educational Videos

Education online is always in demand, especially in 2020 and 2021. As a student, you sure have some pieces of knowledge on different topics to share. Do it in a creative and engaging way so your viewers will not feel that they are in a dull lecture.

These categories of videos seem to be more suitable for creating content from student to student.

Some Ideas For Youtube Videos For Students

Now let’s elaborate a bit on WHAT actually you can make your videos about.

  • College Admissions

Here you create an enormous amount of videos on how to apply for a particular college; tips on choosing a college; pros and cons of degree programs; how to do a college interview; gap year; checklists; majors and degrees; getting a scholarship and so on.

  • Exams & Courses

How to choose courses; what to do to pass a certain exam; how to get credits; how to do projects; how to create a schedule and so on.

  • Life On Campus

Talk about dormitories, studying places, off-school activities; sports; cultural events; student unions and organizations, and anything that happens on campus and can be interesting.

  • Internships & Part-time Jobs
  • Entertainment For Students

What to do in your free time, nightlife and where to eat with friends.

  • Exchange Programs

This is a really hot topic because many students are looking for exchange programs abroad but are scared of uncertainty and new environments. You can help them by creating videos on living and studying abroad.

  • Famous People
  • Travelling

With good content and persistence, you have chances to become an influencer. Influencer marketing is a progressive trend nowadays and many influencers benefit from it. You also can try this.

Wrapping Up

Hope you can get some motivation and inspiration for your future video content on YouTube. Even if you are a college blogger that does not necessarily mean that you have to cover only college topics. You can do anything that will be interesting for young people.

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