It can be easy to forget about your roof and become preoccupied with other areas of the house when you want to make improvements, but you must make sure that you are doing regular checks on your roof in case of damage. A cracked roof tile, bowing support beams, or holes in the lining can all result in leaks and potentially further damage to your property. It can also make it easier for pests to get into your roof and begin to nest. You should always check your roof after stormy weather but also check on it twice a year, at least, to make sure all is well.

If you do need to make repairs to your roof, it is a wise idea to call out a professional roofer to inspect that damage and do this for you. However, if you are confident in their DIY skills and would like to try and repair your roof yourself, here are some of the essentials you will need.

1. Fall Protection

Working on your roof can be very dangerous, which is why it is recommended that you call in professionals for a job like this, but if you are going to do it yourself, you’ll need some fall protection gear to keep you safe. A safety harness, a roof anchor, rope, and shock-absorbing lanyard are all necessary to keep you safe on the roof.

2. Ladder/Scaffolding

Of course, to get onto the roof, you will need a ladder at the very least, but you should also think of a mobile scaffold tower hire to place around your roof. It’s perfect for home jobs where working at heights is necessary, such as inspecting the roof and cleaning the gutters.

3. Shingle Lift

If you are going to be replacing roof shingles, you will need to get the new ones up to your roof safely. A shingle lift can make it quick and easy for you to move your new shingles up to the roof and save you from having to go up and down the ladder. You will need one other person to help you load the shingles on the lift and take any off that you’re sending back down to them. You can always create a DIY shingle lift if you don’t want to invest in an industrial one.

4. Tools For Welding

Depending on the repair work you need to do, you might find yourself needing welding tools for the fabrics you’re using for the roof lining or any plastics you are using for repairs. You’ll need to have quality welding machines to do this properly, and this is a worthwhile investment for a DIY enthusiast, as you can use these machines for a variety of construction projects.

5. Tarp

If you are unable to complete the repairs on your roof before nightfall or the weather turns and it starts to rain, have some tarp ready to cover the holes in your roof and protect your home from the elements. It’s easy to get a tarp from any DIY and gardening stores or even order it online and have it delivered.

You will need others tools to carry out roof repairs, but these are some examples of the essentials you’ll have to stock up on before you get started.

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