With the advent of summers, the pool is a perfect escape for adults and children. Most children are out of school and they love to swim in the pool during this typical summer to refresh and beat the heat.

Yet, the swimming pool fun should not come at the cost of their health and wellbeing.

Here are five ways to help parents protect their children while still letting them have fun in the swimming pool:

1. Safety Instructions

Before your kid gets into the pool, teach them some basic safety skills. Basic instructions such as “no diving,” “swim with a friend” and “walk please” need to be taught.

Do not leave your kids unsupervised as they may slip into the swimming pool and end up with serious injuries including drowning.  While swimming with a buddy is fun, make sure it is not at the cost of your kids’ safety.

Discipline your child so as to avoid any accidental injuries near the swimming pool.

2. Swimming Lessons

Swimming is not only a fun activity but also a life-saving skill. Before taking a dive in the swimming pool, the children must be trained to swim.

Generally, kids’ swimming lessons can begin by age 4. Having regular formal lessons can help your child swim without sacrificing his or her safety while improving body strength and fitness.

3. Cover The Pool, When Not In Use

When not in use, cover your pool with a solar pool cover. The cover will not only protect your pool from harsh sun rays but will also protect your kids from drowning.

Make sure the pool enclosure fits securely over the pool’s entire surface.

A quality pool cover reel can hold an average adult. Being so heavy in weight children can’t even lift it. Consider a cover that can be locked easily when the pool is not in use.

4. Use Alarms

Kids have a lot of fun swimming in the backyard. However, not if left unattended. In fact, more than 700 children in the United States each year succumb to accidental drowning.

However, they are very much preventable with alarm systems. There are four types of alarms for your swimming pools depending on where you install them.

  • Doors & Windows Leading To Your Swimming Pool.
  • Pool Surface.
  • Bottom of the Pool.
  • Portable Alarms on a person’s wrist.

Each alarm has its own trigger point but you can use any one or in combination to improve pool safety for kids.

5. Swimming Pool Fences

Install a four-sided pool fence to protect your children from accidental drowning or any such accidents. They have a decent success rate of reducing water-related injuries among kids by more than 50%.

As per the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC), the pool fences

  • Must be at least 4 feet high; no foot or handrails.
  • Must have a gap of less than 4 inches between the slats.

In The End…

If your children plan to spend time near the pool this summer, it’s important that you’re prepared to overcome all the risks. Following these pool safety tips is a good way to ensure complete safety and a great experience for your kids.

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