In today’s world, social media has become a powerful tool for building a brand and creating a strong online presence. In social media platforms, Instagram stands out among the most popular and effective for building a brand. 

Instagram provides brands with extensive followers to bond with and create a loyal following. It has changed how we share our lives and how businesses market their products and services.

But with so many users competing for attention, how to get the verified check on Instagram and stand out from the mass?

This article will discuss how Instagram helps individuals build their brands and why it is vital for conversions. We will also delve into best practices for building a brand and how to get verified on Instagram for free.

So grab your phone, fire up your Instagram app, and let’s get started!

Instagram For Brand Building

Instagram has become a must-have tool for businesses to build their brand and connect with their audience. With its visual-centric practice, IG is the perfect platform to showcase products and services visually appealingly. 

The platform gives businesses a unique chance to connect with their target audience and connect with potential customers. The platform’s user-friendly interface and features, such as IG Stories, IGTV, and Reels, make creating engaging and interactive content leisurely for brands.

For Building Your Brand On IG:

  • Create an account reflecting your brand identity
  • Choose a profile pic representing your brand
  • Write an engaging Bio telling your brand story
  • Create a consistent visual theme for your posts

Consistency is key on Instagram, so make sure your posts are visually appealing and follow a consistent theme.

To Build A Strong Presence For Your Brand:

  • Engage with your audience regularly
  • Reply to DM’s, respond to comments 
  • Follow back individuals who are interested in your brand 

Engaging with your audience is a fantastic way to connect and increase brand loyalty.

Here are several best practices to follow to build a strong brand on Instagram:

  1. Give Your Brand A Personality: Think of your brand as a person. What are their values and mission in life? Are they adventurous, quirky, or serious? Once you’ve figured out their personality, creating content that aligns with their identity will be easier.
  2. Plot Your Content Plan: Imagine your content as a TV series. What’s the theme? What’s the visual style? Will there be cliffhangers? Make sure you mix it with different types of content, like videos, static images, and IG stories, so your audience can stay energized.
  3. Hashtag It Up: Hashtags are magical spells that make your content easier to find. Use relevant and specific ones for your brand, like #catloversunite or #vegansofinstagram.
  4. Get Social: Don’t be a wallflower! Host giveaways and contests or create polls to make your followers feel special. Respond to comments and messages quickly and ask your audience questions to get them involved.
  5. Make Friends: Team up with other brands or influencers in your niche to expand your reach and grow your following. It’s like having a party and inviting all your cool friends!
  6. Leverage Instagram Features: Take advantage of Instagram’s features, such as Instagram Live and reels, to showcase your brand creatively.

Following these best practices can build a strong brand presence on Instagram and attract a loyal following. Consistency and authenticity are crucial to building a successful brand on this platform. 

What Is Verification On Instagram?

Instagram verification is a badge on a user’s profile, indicating that the account is authentic and belongs to a public figure, celebrity, or brand.

The verification badge is a blue tick next to the user’s name on their profile. The verification badge is a sign of credibility and authenticity on Instagram, providing several benefits to users.

Benefits Of Instagram Verification

Symbol Of Prestige: The most apparent benefit of Instagram verification is getting that coveted blue tick next to your username. It’s a symbol of prestige and recognition that lets others know you’re a legitimate, verified account. 

Build Credibility: Having a verified account on Instagram instantly boosts your credibility and authority. It tells potential followers, customers, and collaborators you’re a trusted source.

Stand Out From The Crowd: Millions of Instagram accounts are out there, but only a fraction is verified. By getting verified, you’re instantly setting yourself apart from the competition and making it easier for people to find and follow you.

Gain More Followers: Let’s face it, people are more likely to follow and engage with accounts that have a blue tick. Getting verified on Instagram can help you attract more followers and grow your audience.

Protect Your Account: Unfortunately, Instagram is rife with fake accounts and impersonators. Getting verified can help protect your account from being copied or duplicated by others, saving you a lot of headaches down the line.

How To Get IG VerifiedHow To Get IG Verified?

Getting verified on IG is not easy, but it is possible. To get verified on Instagram, you must heed specific guidelines and fulfill certain requirements. 

Here are the steps you can use to utilize instagram verification service free of cost:

Ensure Eligibility

To be eligible for verified on Instagram, you must fulfill the following requirements:

  • Your account must be public, not private
  • It must be complete, with a profile picture, bio, and at least one post
  • The account must be active, with regular posts and engagement
  • Your account must be unique, with a distinct brand identity
  • You must have a website that links to your Instagram account.

Submit A Verification Request

Once you have fulfilled the eligibility requirements, you can submit a verification request via the Instagram app. 

To submit a verification request, follow these steps:

  • Go to your profile page and tap the three lines on the top right corner
  • Go to “Settings” from the menu and go to “Account.”
  • Select “Request Verification” and follow the prompts to submit your request.

Wait For A Response

After you have submitted your verification request, you will need to wait for a response from Instagram. Instagram will review your request and notify you of the outcome.

If your request is approved, congratulations! You are now a verified user on Instagram. However, don’t be discouraged if your request is denied; you can always try again in 30 days.

To increase your chances of getting verified, consider using a reputable service provider like It is a trusted provider in the industry and has helped numerous people achieve Instagram verification.

They offer an Instagram Verification Badge service that can help you get verified quickly and easily. If you need help getting verified on Instagram, you can buy Instagram verification free from Skweezer.

They offer a range of packages to suit your needs, including a free Instagram verification service. You can also buy Instagram verification badge or even buy verified Instagram accounts. Whatever your needs, Skweezer has you covered.

What To Know About Getting Verified?

Are you ready to take your social media game to the next level and get verified? Here are some tips and considerations to keep in mind:

First of all, it’s important to understand the purpose of verification. Verification is a way for social media platforms to assure the legitimacy of an account.

It also gives people the confidence that they are interacting with the real deal, which can be extremely important for public figures, brands, and businesses.

Before verifying, you must ensure your account meets the platform’s requirements. 

Generally, These Requirements Include:

  • Having a complete profile 
  • A significant following
  • And a history of posting regularly 

Ensure your profile picture, bio, and website are up-to-date and accurately represent you or your brand.

After that, be prepared to provide documentation that proves your identity or affiliation with a brand or business. 

This Can Include:

  • A government-issued ID, 
  • Articles of incorporation or tax filings. 

The more evidence you can provide to prove your legitimacy, the better your odds of getting verified.

Getting verified is an excellent way to establish your authenticity. However, it’s necessary to keep some ethical considerations in mind. 

Here Are Some Things You Should Not Do When Trying To Get Verified:

  • Don’t buy followers or use other unethical tactics to boost your popularity. 
  • Avoid engaging in behavior that could damage your or the platform’s reputation. 
  • Don’t fall for scams or pay somebody to “guarantee” your verification. These types of services are usually fraudulent and can harm your possibility of getting verified in the future.
  • Finally, don’t use your verified status as a license to engage in irresponsible or unethical behavior. 

Use your verified status responsibly, and remember what our friendly neighborhood Spiderman said: “With great power comes great responsibility.”

Wrapping Up

Therefore, this was it on how to get verified on Instagram. You’re now equipped with the knowledge and tools to build your brand on Instagram and get verified!

Don’t be fooled into thinking that the blue checkmark is the be-all and end-all. It’s about gaining your audience’s trust and showcasing your authenticity.

If you follow our tips and buy Instagram verified badges using a reputable service provider like Skweezer, you can take your Instagram game to the next level. So start building your brand, engaging with your followers, and creating high-quality content. 

Who knows, the blue checkmark might just be around the corner!

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