Writing blogs is a great way to spread information and while it might sound strange, blogging can help a small business. How is that I hear you ask! Well to start with, you can set up a blog page on your business website and post informative articles that are related to your industry and there’s more. Google search terms relating to your product/service can be inserted, which will boost your Google ranking. If your content includes the top search terms, there is more chance of Google noticing you.

Social Media For Marketing

Talk to Instagram marketing experts for the best advice with this vibrant platform; like all social media platforms, Instagram can be complex for advertising, we recommend talking to the leading US digital marketing agency, King Kong. They have the skill and know-how to push your engagement through the ceiling, bringing you a great ROI.

Engage The Reader

The thing with blogging, if you haven’t captivated the reader by the end of the first paragraph, it isn’t going to happen. What’s the secret to good blogging? Some would say pick a nail and hit it on the head; get your point across and throw in some humour, you’re not writing a science report. Aim your content at as many groups as you can, with short paragraphs with subheadings; research tells us that we retain more information with short blocks of text.

People Appreciate Free Information

Some company websites have many pages of blogs that are related to the industry, which can really help users. It might be about product care and maintenance, or aspects of the product that people might not know about.

Blog On Social Media

Get busy on Facebook, X (formerly Twitter) and, of course, Instagram and you can gauge your progress by the views; reply to all comments for maximum engagement. A typical Facebook blog post would come in at around 500 words, but, if the content is there, you could go longer. Check out some of the top social media bloggers and compare styles; there are online writing courses to sharpen your skills and they are reasonably priced.

If you run a one-man show, blogging is a great way to promote your business; set up business pages on all the top SM platforms and start putting out quality content.

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