Life is unpredictable, and certain issues may arise, requiring drastic actions. For instance, you may want to sell your house within a short timeline following losing a job, divorce, or relocation due to medical reasons.

According to the National Association of Realtors Profile of Home Buyers and Sellers report, selling a house takes 65 days on average. This duration could extend depending on the delays and condition of your home.

Fortunately, if you are on a tight timeline, you can sell your house fast, and we will break down the process below.

Sell Your House Fast Through A Cash House Buying Company

Cash house-buying companies offer the fastest way to convert your property to quick cash. By working with a house sale company, you will receive a quick market value offer, usually within 24 hours, and you can close your sale within two weeks.

Unlike the traditional house sale that demands inspection and appraisal, cash buyers will give you an almost instant deal. Other benefits of using a cash house-buying company include the following:

  • Zero closing costs: you will not incur broker fees, commission, insurance, settlement fees, and transfer taxes.
  • The dates work in your favor: you can pick a convenient closing date
  • Selling your house to a cash house-buying company requires no upgrades, listing, or negotiations. The buyer purchases the house in as-is condition.
  • The deal is direct, with no broker interventions. Also, the company will not ask for inspection or lender approvals.
  • The process is fast as the company assumes legal and financial processes.
  • There are no hidden costs.
  • The process saves you the need for showings, often opening your home to strangers and inconveniencing your schedule.
  • You will enjoy a competitive offer depending on the company’s business model.
  • You can enjoy a free local move for companies in partnership with professional movers.

How To Sell Your House Fast Through A Cash Buyer

When selling your house for cash, you can follow the steps below:

Request An Offer

Selling your house fast starts with filling in your details to the buyer company’s toll-free number. An agent from the company will then reach out and schedule a consultation and house tour. During this consultation, you should have basic information, such as the year of construction and renovations. The appraisers will capture your house’s market value and estimate an offer.

Schedule An Appraisal

The company buying your home will send a representative for an inspection to get better value for your home. You should note that most companies buy homes as is. Hence, you don’t have to incur repair expenses before selling your house.

Get A Final Offer

After inspection and evaluation, a company representative will sit you down and explain the evaluation criteria for your home. The company will then present a final written offer.

Select A Closing Date

Upon accepting the offer, the company will proceed to the closing attorney and complete the process. The entire process can take up to ten days.

Receive Your Pay

After completing the paperwork, your sale is successful, and you can take your check to the bank. In less than two weeks, you can sell your house.

What Is Selling A House As Is?

Selling as-is implies selling your house in its existing condition without improvements or upgrades. You can sell your house as-is under the following conditions:

  • You want to relocate as fast as possible
  • You are unable to afford repairs
  • You are in a challenging financial position
  • You want to avoid the stresses of selling an inherited property

Why You Should Consider Selling Your House To A Cash Buyer

You may want to sell your house fast to a cash buyer if under the following situations:

  • Have a Tight Timeline: If you are going through an immediate move or divorce, consider a cash buyer to help you sell your house fast.
  • You Own Inherited Property: If you have a deceased’s relative property in poor condition or far away, you can consider working with a company that buys houses for cash.
  • You Need Cash Urgently: If you risk foreclosure and are uninterested in retaining your home, selling your house to a cash buyer is feasible to avoid adversely affecting your credit score.
  • Your Property Is in Bad Condition: Where your property is in poor condition that repair will be too expensive, selling to a company for cash is advisable.

A Comparison Between Traditional Sale & Cash Buyers

When deciding to sell your house fast, you have two options, cash buyers and traditional sales. Your choice depends on the closing time, convenience, speed, and sale expenses. The following is a comparison between traditional and cash buyers with respect to the above factors.

A Fast Closing

You can choose when to close if you sell your house through cash buyers. Generally, cash deals close faster as there is no lender in the picture. The buyer evaluates the home and makes an instant offer which is usually non-negotiable, saving you time.

Flexibility In Moving Out

Selling your house fast to a cash-buying company will also give you ample time to move out. The transaction happens between the seller and the company; no immediate buyer wants to move in. In traditional home sales, you must move out as soon as you get a buyer to allow them to move in.

Significant Reduction In Expenses

Most cash home-buying companies offer cash for the house as is, eliminating direct costs from steps like staging and home prepping. These expenses are present in the traditional sale.

Sell Your House To A Cash Home-Buying Company

Selling a house is possible through traditional or modern means. When timeline limitations stand, selling your house fast becomes a priority, and a cash offer by a home-buying company is ideal. These companies offer an almost guaranteed sale with no contingencies. Therefore, you will navigate the closing table faster and with fewer headaches. Unlike the traditional sale, dealing with a cash home-buying company eliminates contingency costs, and you can sell your house without cleaning, repair, or maintenance.

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