There are many fun facts about mobile restrooms. For example, did you know that the average cell phone is dirtier than a toilet seat? So get ready to learn about event restroom trailers and other fun facts. Hopefully, you’ll be more prepared next time at a public toilet.

History Of Mobile Restrooms

Portable restrooms are often overlooked in public affairs, but they have a long and fascinating history. First developed during World War II, porta-potties were used in shipyards to provide workers with the facility they needed to relieve themselves. They are a significant part of construction sites, outdoor concerts, and road races. A portable restroom also helps save billions of gallons of water every year. Learn about these incredible machines and their many benefits.

Portable restrooms were invented during World War II when the shipping industry in New Jersey experienced a high level of productivity loss because workers were required to spend a lot of time hiking from their worksites to a nearby bathroom. These facilities, which consisted of wooden or metal toilet blocks with small holding tanks, helped employees avoid losing productivity. Portable restrooms also provide a convenient way to relieve themselves when it is most needed.

Blue Liquid In Toilets

Did you know that more than 5,000 Porta Potties were on-site at President Obama’s inauguration in 2009? That’s one toilet for every 360 attendees! And did you know that most temporary restrooms contain blue liquid? The blue liquid is used to mask odors and sights, and it contains chemicals that neutralize bacteria. The fact that most portable toilets have blue liquid is no coincidence.

These biocides kill odor-causing bacteria and keep toilets smelling fresh for longer. Many temporary facilities use this color to disguise odors and other ugliness. Metazene, which neutralizes odor molecules, and deep blue, non-staining dye, which conceals garbage, paper, and debris, are also credited with their efficiency.

The Cell Phone Is Dirtier Than A Toilet Seat

According to a recent study by scientists from the University of Arizona, the average cell phone is dirtier than a toilet seat. This is no surprise: cell phones are commonplace for germs to thrive. For example, one study found that the average high school student’s cell phone contained 17,000 copies of bacterial genes. It is also estimated that two out of five office workers take their cell phones into the bathroom.

The main culprit in making our cell phones dirtier is the type of case that protects them from water. Cell phones are not cleaned as often as toilet seats or toilet handles, yet they are still exposed to the same germs as these other surfaces. A survey by Initial Washroom Hygiene found that 40 percent of respondents admitted to using their cell phones in the bathroom at work. Only 20 percent said they cleaned their phones after using the toilet.

The study also found that a cell phone screen can be three times dirtier than a toilet seat. Using a device that lights up when it detects bacteria, Initial Washroom Hygiene found that the average cell phone contains more bacteria than a toilet seat. While the device was not able to identify E. coli bugs, it was able to identify 220 bright spots compared to a toilet seat that contained 1,479 bacteria.

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