WordPress is currently the most popular CMS, powering 26% of the world’s websites. Furthermore, WordPress blogs have over 400 million monthly viewers.

Why is this content management system so popular?

It could be because you can have a blog up and running in as little as 10 minutes. Or perhaps it is because this CMS is known for its simplicity and ease of use. Most likely, it is a combination of all of WordPress’ unique features and this company’s proactive approach to customer support.

Let’s take a closer look.

1. WordPress Is SEO-Friendly

If you worry about the SEO aspect of blogging, you will be pleased to know that WordPress is incredibly SEO-friendly. In fact, due to its many SEO plug-ins, WordPress is arguably the most SEO-friendly CMS.

That being said, SEO is an ongoing process, and you can’t expect an SEO plug-in to do all the hard work for you. You need to make sure that you are continuously looking at ways to optimize your blogs if you want them to continue to rank well.

2. WordPress Is Prestigious

If you want to be taken seriously as a blogger, then you need to have a self-hosted blog such as WordPress. This will help you gain the respect and trust of your audience, but it will also make people more likely to share your blogs with others.

If you are worried about how to design your WordPress blog, you might find it useful to speak to WordPress Development experts who can help you with all aspects of WordPress design and development including SEO and content management.

3. WordPress Has A Huge Online Community

Many bloggers choose WordPress as their CMS due to the fact that it is known for offering a huge online community of support and advice. In fact, just by Googling “WordPress help,” you will be met with over 500 million results.

Whether you want a simple answer to a WordPress-related question or you would like a video tutorial on a WordPress plug-in, you will be able to find a whole host of solutions to choose from. Beyond this, due to the popularity of WordPress and its flexible design architecture, there are a myriad of wordpress themes available online which can be used to change the appearance of a site and alter various visual elements in a way that works for you.

4. WordPress Is Free

For those that are just starting in the world of blogging, you may not have a big budget (or any at all) to spend on software. If this is the case for you and your blog, you will be pleased to hear that WordPress is entirely free to download (this applies to both WordPress.com and WordPress.org). However, as WordPress is self-hosted, you will most likely end up spending a little bit of money on more advanced themes and plug-ins as well as hosting servers.

5. WordPress Is Multi-Tasking

Although it was originally developed as a blogging platform, WordPress has dramatically developed since then and can now be used to create a stunning e-commerce website, a business site, a job board, or even a business directory. Therefore, even if you decide to master the basics of WordPress purely for blogging, it can prove usual in the future for creating many other types of websites.

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