Most businesses, retail stores, in particular, must balance their promotions, prices, and inventory in order to maintain their levels of profit. This is where clearance sales come in. They are used by many companies and stores as a focal point for consumers who are price-conscious and also to manage inventory. Clearance sale clothing can be scheduled on a seasonal basis only or just only to use as a consistent special section in the store.

Reduction Of Inventory

Clearance sales are beneficial in that they help to get rid of additional inventory in a store. Since trends of customers can rapidly change, excess inventory can be leftover that adds to the clutter in a store. In order to maintain profits and sale levels, it is important to maximize the shelf space for products that are in high demand.

Shifts In Season

Decorations, accessories, and clothing are often characterized by seasonal components. Companies that offer these types of products must switch out the inventory so that it matches what is in demand for the particular season. These sales can also help get rid of goods from the season before and open up space for the next products for the next season.

Reduces Price Point

Clearance sales, such as the ones they offer at AMI Clubwear, and other retailers, give customers access to goods being offered at a lower price. For other types of items such as beauty products, customers have the chance to try out new products, without paying the full price. If customers take a liking to the product, they may buy it again in the future.

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