If your furnace light is blinking, it means that there’s probably a problem.
It could be something as basic as a compromised filter, or it could be something more serious. In this blog post, we’ll explain what the different blinks mean and what you can do to fix them. We’ll also provide some tips for preventing furnace problems in the first place.
Keep reading to learn more!
Are you dealing with furnace problems or other heating-related issues? Click the following link if you’d like to learn more about the furnace repair process: https://imsheatingandair.com/furnace-repair/.
What Does It Mean If Your Furnace’s Light Is Blinking?
Is your furnace light blinking? If so, it may mean that there’s a problem, but this isn’t always the case. A blinking light on your furnace unit can also indicate something less serious (for instance, your furnace has switched to a different “mode”).
To find out the root of the issue, the first thing you need to do is find out what color the light is; each color has a different meaning, so you need to know them all!
Color #1: Green Light Blinking On Your Furnace
A green light on your furnace typically indicates that the system is working properly. If you happen to see a green light blinking on your furnace, it means that the device is receiving power and is ready to provide heat to your home.
Color #2: Red Light Blinking On Your Furnace
A red light on your furnace usually indicates that there is a problem with your furnace. If you see a red light, it means that you should contact a qualified technician to have the furnace checked as soon as possible.
Color #3: Yellow Light Blinking On Your Furnace
A yellow light on your furnace typically indicates that the system is in standby mode. In standby mode, the furnace is not providing heat to your home but is still receiving power. This mode is typically used when the temperature outside is warm and you do not need the furnace to be running.
Color #4: Blue Light Blinking On Your Furnace
A blue light on your furnace usually indicates that the system is in cool mode. In cool mode, the furnace is not providing heat to your home but is still circulating air. This mode is typically used when the temperature outside is cool and you do not need the furnace to be running.
Color #5: Orange Light Blinking On Your Furnace
An orange light on your furnace typically indicates that there is a problem with the system and that you should contact a qualified HVAC technician as soon as possible.
5 Of The Top Tips For Preventing Furnace Problems
Preventing furnace problems is easy if you know where to start. Here are some basic tips that you can use to prevent furnace-related issues in the future:
Tip #1: Schedule Annual Maintenance For A Qualified HVAC Technician
One of the best ways to prevent furnace problems is to book an appointment with a qualified HVAC technician. Throughout the maintenance visit, the technician will clean the furnace and make any necessary repairs. This can help to prolong the life of your furnace and prevent future problems.
Tip #2: Change The Filter Regularly
Another way to prevent furnace problems is to change the filter regularly. Most furnaces have a filter that needs to be changed every few months. A dirty filter can cause the furnace unit to work significantly harder than it needs to, which can potentially lead to a long list of problems.
Tip #3: Keep The Area Around The Furnace Clear
It is also important to keep the area around the furnace clear. If there are any items blocking the vents or ductwork, it can cause the furnace to overheat and break down.
Tip #4: Do Not Attempt To Repair Your Furnace Yourself
Unless you are a qualified technician, you should not attempt to repair your furnace yourself. This could void your warranty and potentially cause more damage to your furnace.
Tip #5: Know When To Call For Help
If you notice any strange noises or smells coming from your furnace, it is important to call for help right away. These could be signs of a major problem that needs to be fixed by a qualified technician.
What Does It Mean When My Furnace Light Is Blinking? — Conclusion
If your furnace light is blinking unexpectedly, it could mean that there’s a problem with the unit. However, if you have ruled out those possibilities and the light continues to blink, it’s time to call in a professional HVAC service. Trained, professional technicians can spot and deal with practically any HVAC issue that you’re currently facing.