Floor slip resistance is one of the most important safety factors in any building. Not only is it necessary to ensure a safe environment for employees, but it’s also important for the safety of customers and visitors. Unfortunately, floor slip resistance has often been overlooked in recent years. That’s why it’s so important that we have new standards in place that help measure slip resistance. In this blog article, we will explore these new standards and how they will help improve the safety of both employees and customers.

What Are The New Floor Slip Resistance Testing Standards?

The American Society released the new floor slip resistance testing standards for Testing and Materials (ASTM). These new standards are meant to improve the accuracy and reliability of slip resistance tests. They introduce several changes that should result in more accurate testing results.

One change is that the static coefficient of friction between surfaces will now be measured using a rotating pendulum test device. This method is more accurate because it considers the surface texture and shape.

Another change is that the standard for measuring traction force will now use a weight sled instead of a sandbag. The weight sled approach is considered more reliable because it measures how much physical effort is needed to move the sled.

These new standards should result in more accurate and reliable slip-resistance measurements.

What Does This Mean For Flooring Manufacturers?

The new floor slip resistance testing standards from ASTM International are a major change for the industry. With these new standards in place, manufacturers will have to test their flooring products to see how much force it takes to cause a slip or skid. This will help ensure that your flooring is safe and withstands heavy use.

Manufacturers who do not meet the new standards may face penalties, including being removed from the market or having their products certified as non-compliant. So, it’s important to stay up-to-date on the newly released standards and ensure your flooring is compliant.

How Will This Change The Way Products Are Tested?

The new standards will require manufacturers to test products for slip resistance using a dynamic weight method. This means that products will be tested under a load that simulates how they would be used in the real world.

This change is intended to reduce the number of injuries caused by product failures. According to the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC), slip resistance is one of the key factors that contribute to product accidents. The new standards are designed to identify products that are more likely to fail during use and prevent injuries from occurring.

The impact of the new standards on product testing is still being determined, but manufacturers are expected to make changes to their testing procedures as a result. This could lead to increased costs for companies, but it is hoped that the new standards will lead to fewer injuries and happier consumers.

How Will Other Industries Be Impacted By These Standards?

The new floor slip resistance testing standards will impact a wide range of industries. The new standards will apply to products used in commercial and residential areas, including flooring, carpets, mats, tiles, and other surfaces.

Some of the key benefits of the new standards include the following:

  • Increased safety for people who work or live in commercial or residential areas;
  • Reduced injury rates from slips and falls;
  • Improved compliance with safety regulations;
  • Reduced costs associated with slip and fall injuries.

There are new floor slip resistance testing standards in place that flooring manufacturers must adhere to if they want to continue selling their products. The new standards were put into place in order to improve safety and protect people who are often injured as a result of accidents involving floors.

This change will help provide a more accurate representation of how people would actually use the product and potentially prevent accidents from happening in the first place. Additionally, it will help ensure that products meet all applicable safety requirements.


Recently, floor slip resistance testing standards have been updated by the ASTM International Committee on Performance of Floor Slips. They aim to improve the accuracy of slip tests used to ensure safe conditions for workers in manufacturing and industrial settings. If you’re working with flooring that is subject to slip-resistant testing, be sure to check out these new standards so that your test results can be as accurate as possible.

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