Are you suffering from abnormal hair loss or hair thinning? Is it contributing to your stress levels? Well, there’s no need to be stressed anymore because due to the advancements in medical science, a variety of new and innovative treatments have come up which can actually grow new hair on bald scalps. 

These treatments include new surgery techniques. In fact, we’ve touched on some of them in our DHI vs FUE hair transplant guide

Some new medications have also been introduced that can be applied directly on the patchy areas of your scalp to combat hair loss. So, without further ado, let us begin.

Causes Of Hair Loss

1. Androgenetic Alopecia (Hair Loss Due To Aging)

When we think of hair loss, we instinctively link it with aging. Most men and some women start losing hair as soon as they hit their thirties and men especially, suffer from a receding M-shaped hairline. 

Hair loss in men is due to the forming of a by-product of testosterone called DHT. Whereas in women it could occur due to hormonal changes.

2. Frequent Hairstyling

Extremely tight hairstyles or the use of harsh chemicals can also contribute to permanent hair loss. So, be extra careful to not pull your hair into tight knots because that can weaken your hair follicles. 

3. Side Effect Of Medications

Hair fall could also be a side effect of some medication or treatments. For instance, consuming drugs for blood pressure, arthritis, etc, or receiving chemotherapy. 

4. Postpartum Hair Loss (Hair Loss Due To Falling Estrogen Levels)

Dermatologists refer to this condition as excessive hair shedding and is caused by falling estrogen levels after giving birth. Postpartum hair loss is temporary and the hair will return to its normal fullness after several months. For moms who are bothered by the excessive shedding and thinning of hair, Majka has created specially formulated supplements to address this type of hair loss.

Upcoming Hair Loss Treatment Innovations

1. Stem Cell Therapy For Hair Growth

When comparing stem cell hair transplant to traditional hair transplant, you can’t help but notice the similarities between them. 

However, the major difference between the two is that traditional hair transplant removes a large number of hair from one section of the scalp and transplants it to the hair loss area. On the other hand, stem cell hair transplant removes a small skin sample from where the skin follicles are harvested. 

The follicles are then sent to a lab to be replicated and are then transplanted into the patchy areas of the scalp. 

Even though this experimental noninvasive technique is rapidly gaining popularity because of its long lasting results and reduced scalp inflammation, there are a few downsides including its cost when compared to traditional hair transplant techniques. 

Another possible risk is that it can cause potential genetic mutations which in turn can cause cancer. But in our opinion the positives outweigh the negatives. 

2. Robotic Hair Transplant

Yes, this is real, you’re not imagining it! Robotic hair transplants are now possible due to the advancements of humans in the field of medical science. 

Fully automated hair transplant techniques are now available which are more precise and less invasive than manual hair transplant techniques. In fact, nowadays there are plenty of robotic systems available, led by ARTAS that have been specifically designed to solve the hair loss problem. 

The pros include less donor graft wastage, higher precision and less harvesting time. There are a few downsides too though, the biggest of which is the cost of the entire procedure. 

3. Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy

This is a relatively newer experimental technique which uses the platelets in a patient’s blood to breathe life into the dormant hair follicles. 

Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) therapy is associated with PRP injection therapy, a novel experimental technique utilizing platelets from a patient’s blood to rejuvenate dormant hair follicles. Derived from the patient’s own blood, PRP contains high concentrations of platelets and growth factors, fostering healing and regeneration. Following the therapy, PRP recovery time varies based on the severity of the treated condition and individual patient response.

Final Thoughts

Based on all these upcoming innovations in the field of hair loss treatment, it is safe to say that the future’s looking bright. 

However, you should know that even with these newer techniques, your hair will not grow back in an instant. So, what’s important is to have the utmost patience and belief in the process. 

What’s even more important is to be comfortable in your own skin and hair and accepting yourself the way you are because that is the first step to truly loving yourself.  

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