It’s like that most of the adults in your life drive a car, and many of these people probably enjoy driving. They love the freedom that it provides and they enjoy blasting their favorite music as they ride along the roads.

If your love goes far beyond your friends’ enjoyment for driving, perhaps your love is more like a passion. Maybe it’s something that you can see yourself pursuing as a career.

Despite what many people think, you are not limited to being a driving instructor or a mechanic if you love driving and learning about the ins and outs of different cars. Your options are extremely varied and there are lots of different careers that are centered around cars.

Entering a career in the automotive industry enables you to fulfill your passions while also earning a living. You can head to work each day knowing that you will enjoy the shift ahead. When you truly enjoy your work, it won’t feel like work!

Here are some of the top jobs for those of you who are passionate about cars and want to begin a successful career in the automotive world. If you want to learn more about exactly what each of these jobs entails, try searching for the job descriptions online.

Car Dealer

Are you great at closing deals? Do you enjoy speaking to new people every day? Do you have extensive knowledge about a particular manufacturer?

If you have answered ‘yes’ to the questions above, you might be the perfect candidate for a career in car sales.

As a car dealer, you can work in almost any location and you can specialize in whichever manufacturer you like. For example, you might want to work as a Utah Chevrolet dealer where you will be a specialist in all of the Chevrolet models in the showroom.

To be a great car dealer, you need to have great communication skills and you should know how to close a deal.

Most of the time, your customers will already be in the position to buy from you, since they will have already contacted your dealership showroom. But you will still need to use your persuasive skills to get them to sign the dotted line.

You might need to guide your customers in the right direction based on their needs and preferences. Whether you sell new or used cars, your expertise will be essential to helping them find the perfect vehicle.

Car dealers are usually on a set annual salary but you may also get bonus payments and commission based on the number of sales that you make. If you surpass all expectations and make record sales, you might be given the opportunity to progress onto a managerial role.

Car Valet

If you love cleaning just as much as you love cars, becoming a car valet might sound like your idea of heaven. You don’t need any specific qualifications to enter this career but you will need to have a valid driving license with no points.

Car valets must have a keen eye for detail. Customers will bring their cars to you and expect to drive them away looking spotless, so you can’t miss any dust or dirt. Customer service skills are also essential as part of your high-quality valet service.

As a car valet, you’ll be using a range of cleaning equipment, including steamers, vacuums, car shampoos, polish, and wax. You may also want to offer paint touch-ups as an add-on to your cleaning services, so you might need a selection of car paints.

You can either work for a cleaning company or you can set up your own business. You may offer a standard cleaning service and follow the same protocol for every client or you can allow customers to customize their cleaning requests.


Becoming a mechanic might be one of the options that come to mind when you think about car-related careers.

Mechanic jobs are perfect for those of you who love hands-on work. You can’t be afraid of getting dirty and mucky as you check under the hood or underneath the body of different cars to spot and fix any problems.

Every day in a mechanics shop presents a unique problem. You’ll need an eye for detail and a problem-solving mind to succeed as a mechanic so that you can quickly identify the hidden problems with your client’s cars.

For those of you who don’t enjoy sitting at an office desk all day and prefer to be on your feet, interacting with different people, you’ll enjoy being a mechanic. You can put your expertise to great use while pursuing a high paying mechanic career.

As with many other careers within the automotive industry, you can either be employed by a larger company or be self-employed. If you choose the self-employment route, you can either work as a freelancer for a variety of clients or set up your own small business.


If you genuinely love driving and you can happily drive for hours on end, becoming a driver is perfect for you.

As a driver, you may be responsible for driving trucks or vans of goods from factories and warehouses to various locations. You may also be responsible for packing the goods in your delivery vehicle according to the order of your delivery destinations.

Drivers are also required to be pretty tech-savvy. You’ll need to use a GPS navigation app to calculate the shortest routes to each location.

You might also need to use a delivery management system to mark each delivery as complete or to log your routes and mileages.

Unsurprisingly, to become a driver, you will need a valid driving license that is free of any points or restrictions.

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