Nursing is a noble profession based on empathy, understanding, and love for humanity. Globally, there’s an increased demand for good nurses committed to their mission of taking care of others. For this purpose, nurses have to grow continuously. They need to hone their skills and become better at what they do. As was evident during the critical months of the pandemic, good nurses are an asset for hospitals and the public. Many healthcare organizations hire nursing staff with the best skills for serving patients. This is because a well-qualified and highly skilled nursing staff would reflect well on the hospital’s portfolio. They specifically seek nurses who wouldn’t shy away from patient education, increase their knowledge, form proper relationships with the patients, and become excellent leaders. Let’s go through some of the must-needed traits that every good nurse should have:

1. Fairness & Unbiased Attitude

Several nurses are often influenced by unbias factors that reflect in their decisions. For example, the race, apparel, language, or religion of the patient might trigger the nurse. As a result, they may be too quick to judge, affecting their treatment or communication approach. The nurses might not pay enough attention to the patient or show rudeness. Hence, reduction in implicit bias in nursing is integral to ensure fairness in providing healthcare services.

2. Problem-Solving Skills

Nursing staff must have essential problem-solving skills. There are instances when nurses need to make quick decisions within a few minutes. They may have to deal with life-death situations. Nurses can only be amazing problem-solvers if they are detail-oriented and keen observers. Critical thinking skills are necessary for various analyses and identifying core issues.  If they have the required knowledge, nurses can identify critical issues in the medical space, which further helps them negotiate with the patients or figure out diagnoses.

3. Excellent At Communication

Nurses also need to be excellent at communication. Communication is of core importance in the nursing field. Without proper communication, a gap develops between the nurse and the patient. Both are unable to discuss the issues, resulting in problems with diagnosis and treatment.  Sometimes, situations may arise when patients get angry or irritated. A good communicating nurse would avoid aggravation and diffuse the issue by maintaining a calm attitude.

Additionally, good communication depends on being an empathic listener and a clear talker. The nurses’ language should be easily understandable by the patient, and they shouldn’t feel confused. Nurses should also take their time to hear about the patient’s point of view before making decisions.

4. Empathetic

Empathy is a crucial characteristic for nurses. Those who observe, understand, and recognize different viewpoints without letting personal opinions get in the way are empathetic. A good nurse needs to identify the patients’ pain points and imagine their problems. They should put themselves in the patient’s shoes and then make decisions. Empathic behaviors in nurses can influence the quality of care and positively affect their communication, emotional strength, and cognitive abilities.

5. Agile & Energetic

Another important trait that should be present in every nurse is agility. Nursing is a tough job and requires immense hard work. Most nurses have to work long hours and continue offering their services without getting much sleep. Undoubtedly, it can be challenging and affect their mental wellbeing. However, a good nurse knows how to balance their work and personal life. They can stay unnerved even under pressure and show no compromise on performance even when they have tons of workload. Nurses should pay special attention to their diet. They should consume proper nutrients to be energetic and avoid fatigue.

6. Keen Learner

Nurses must be keen learners as well. Education is fundamental to nurses’ success and quality performance at work. Nurses who stay up to date with the latest upgrades in the healthcare industry offer more value to their patients. They should attend seminars that help them build strong relationships with the patients and their coworkers. Furthermore, some courses help acquire advanced knowledge about medical therapies and make them creative problem solvers.

7. Patient Advocacy

Patient advocacy is all about standing up for and with the patient and recognizing their choices. At times, patients go through difficult situations within a healthcare organization. Their dignity and safety might be at risk, or they may be suffering a lot. Regardless, nurses should always try to advocate for patients. Good nurses are never quick to judge or allow approval or disapproval without discussing the patient and their family. If the issue is among the staff, management, and the patient, nurses must be objective and consider every matter before finding an appropriate solution.

Final Thoughts

Nurses are hardworking individuals who spend their lives taking care of others. During these years, they make numerous sacrifices in terms of their personal goals, family, and self-care. But sometimes, nurses might deviate from their core mission and let negative influences tarnish their mindset. To avoid this problem, nurses must be progressive and competent. Many courses enable nurses to become more adaptable in their field. These nursing lessons empower them to be exceptional leaders, ensure long-term professional success, boost patient outcomes, and decrease mortality rates.

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