A cluttered home can take a toll on our mental and physical health. Too much of it leads to stress and anxiety as our spaces feel chaotic and disorganized. It also creates extra housework as there are more things to clean around and organize.

At the same time, decluttering our homes is an important act of self-care. It helps create peaceful living spaces that promote our overall well-being and allows us to focus energy on what matters most to us.

According to a 2022 survey, 78% of homeowners agree that their well-being depends on how clean the house is.

While decluttering seems like a good idea, it can also feel overwhelming to start. Many of us don’t know where to begin. Below are some excellent tips to help you get started:

1. Start Small

It’s best to start with small, manageable tasks rather than trying to tackle everything at once. This prevents the process from becoming too intimidating or overwhelming right away. Try sorting through one drawer or shelf for 5-10 minutes daily. Setting a timer can help you stay focused during the selected time.

Building momentum with these small decluttering sessions is an effective strategy. As you experience small victories each day, it will motivate you to keep going. Over time, increase the amount of time spent decluttering and the area you are sorting through.

Eventually, you’ll work up to decluttering entire rooms. But starting small allows the task to feel less daunting. The small wins each day will start adding up before you know it.

2. Store Items Efficiently

An important part of decluttering is ensuring items are stored properly after sorting. If you have a small house, rent storage units to keep large or small things that are not used daily. If you have enough space in your home, use storage solutions that make the most of your existing space.

This prevents new clutter from accumulating again. You can:

  • Install shelves vertically to double the storage capacity.
  • Stackable clear bins allow you to see contents easily while keeping items contained.
  • Hang tools and pots on walls or the back of cabinet doors to get them off counters.
  • Repurpose old drawers or crates as organizers.

Get creative with storage solutions tailored to the area you are decluttering.Finding optimal storage spots for your belongings will make maintaining the decluttered space much easier. Invest in any supplies needed to keep items organized. Proper storage is well worth the investment to prevent clutter from returning.

3. Categorize Items

As you declutter each area, have clear categories ready for sorting items. Typical categories include: trash/recycle, donate, relocate, and keep. Having defined categories prepared will make the process feel more organized.

Be disciplined about only keeping items you truly use or love. If you haven’t used something in over a year, it’s unlikely you’ll need it again soon. Be honest about what’s useful and what isn’t.

As you sort through items, have boxes, bags, or bins ready that are labeled for each category. For example, you may fill a trash bag with things to donate to charity.

Having a physical container for each group keeps the space tidy and makes it easy to transport items once you finish decluttering.

4. Schedule Regular Decluttering Sessions

The most effective way to keep a decluttered home is to schedule regular maintenance sessions. Clutter tends to accumulate gradually over time.

Add decluttering tasks to your calendar or set reminders on your phone. You may choose to sort through your whole home once a month briefly. Or tackle more thorough zone-by-zone decluttering each season. Find a routine that fits your schedule.

Staying on top of decluttering is much easier with frequent small upkeep. Letting spaces go too long between deep cleans can make the task feel overwhelming again. Maintaining an orderly home is achievable with regular attention.

5. Involve The Whole Household

If you live with family or roommates, get everyone involved in decluttering. This prevents one person’s tidy space from getting cluttered by others. It also teaches kids important skills at an early age.

Make decluttering a shared activity where each person tackles their personal space. For example, adults can sort through their closets and office areas. Kids may take charge of their bedroom, playroom, or toy bins. Offer small rewards like stickers or treats when they fill a bag of unneeded items.

Schedule a shared time when everyone declutters together. Play motivating music and make it an upbeat family occasion.

Having everyone participate prevents one person from shouldering all the work. And it instills decluttering habits in children from a young age.

6. Donate Unused Items

When decluttering, avoid simply throwing away items that are still usable. Find ways to donate gently used goods instead. This creates space in your home while also benefiting others in need.

Many local charities, shelters, schools, churches, and thrift stores accept clothing, furniture, housewares, electronics, toys, books, and more donations.

Donating quality used goods serves the dual benefit of decluttering your life while providing resources for others.

7. Sell Valuable Items

For more valuable items like antiques, collectibles, jewelry, and newer technology, consider selling instead of donating. This allows you to recoup some of the original cost of pricier possessions.

Do some research ahead of time to identify beloved items that may be worth selling. Certain antiques, vintage items, designer goods, and collectibles can sell for good money. Even selling an old smartphone, laptop, or TV can earn extra cash.


Decluttering our living spaces allows us to eliminate excess items and focus on what matters most. While it requires commitment, the process can be very rewarding. The tips highlighted in this article will set you up for an effective, successful decluttering journey.

Start small, take it step-by-step, and regularly maintain tidiness. Your home will become a peaceful haven that brings you joy and calm everyday.

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