Property owners who wish to find a tenant or sell their property are usually listing it online, so that interested buyers or tenants can contact them. Similarly, real estate agencies are also listing properties available online so that a large number of prospective tenants and buyers can view them. The number of leads generated from the online listing depends to a large extent on the quality of the photos. Hence real estate agents, as well as property owners, are interested in using real estate photo enhancement services. Since there are a large number of companies offering these services, some of the factors which should be considered are listed below.


Though a property owner may invest a large amount of time and money in renovating, repainting his property, due to environmental factors, pests, and other reasons, the property will develop stains and become dirty after some time. Cleaning or renovating the property repeatedly will be expensive, so increasingly property owners, as well as realtors, are using photo enhancement services, to improve the appearance of the property, making it more attractive for prospective customers. The cost of using photo enhancement services is usually far lower than cleaning the property repeatedly till it is sold or a tenant found.


It is advisable to check the scope of the photo enhancement services before finalizing the service provider. The service provider should be able to enhance all the images which are available, whatever the shooting style of the real estate agent or his photographer. Some of the photos are shot using ambient lighting while in the evening or at night, a flash is used for additional illumination. It is advisable to check some sample photos, which are digitally enhanced to verify the quality of the work. Though the estate agent may be able to do the photo editing work himself it is very time-consuming, so it is advisable to outsource the photo enhancement work at the earliest.

If a property is cluttered, it will look smaller than it actually is and less attractive to potential buyers and tenants. Removing the items which are causing the clutter may be difficult in some cases since these items may be valuable or there may be no other place available to keep the items. Most of the reputed photo-enhancement service providers are also including decluttering services removing items of all sizes from the property photo, so that prospective buyers can easily visualize the property when it is empty. In addition to the interiors, the exteriors can also be decluttered, rooms repainted and roofs cleaned.

Other Factors

One of the factors which estate agents using the photo retouching services should consider is the time taken to complete the photo enhancement work, and send the edited photos to the client. Most of the reputed service providers have automated the process of photo enhancement to some extent, so they are able to complete the photo enhancement within 12 or 48 hours. It is advisable to check the photo enhancement capacity of the service provider, how many photos they are enhancing daily, the number of staff they have, rates for the different services, and delivery time.

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