Drug and substance addiction is not a menace but a disease that has a treatment. The availability of rehab centers in the community makes it possible to access the right treatment, care, and attention. You should note that the services you get from addiction treatment centers depend on the information and knowledge you utilize, so it is always recommended that you discover more about the center and what treatment options they offer before you decide where to go. With the need to choose the right rehab center and the best type of treatment, having information and guidance becomes beneficial.

Types Of Addiction Treatments

After diagnosis and understanding of the type of addiction you are suffering from, the next step should be seeking quality medical care and treatment. You should, however, note that depending on the nature and severity of your addiction, the treatments tend to differ. Knowing and understanding the types of addiction treatments you can receive in rehab centers goes a long way into helping you achieve full recovery.


When you enroll in an addiction treatment center and get a proper medical examination and diagnosis, the next step will be the detoxification process. This is a process where the healthcare practitioners help you get rid of drugs, substances, and other toxins that lead to addiction in your body. This is a crucial addiction treatment process that determines the effectiveness of the rehab process. Detoxification is a medical care process administered in addiction treatment centers, hospitals, and clinics by trained, qualified and professional healthcare providers.

The purpose of detoxification is to remove toxic substances from the patient’s body and allow for a smooth transition during the rehab and recovery process. Through detoxification, one attains sobriety and finds it easier to handle the long and overwhelming addiction recovery process. This is a professionally monitored process in a safe and conducive environment for the patient. It is essential that you or your loved one feels safe and committed to the process to achieve better results.

Dual Diagnosis Treatment

Dual diagnosis treatment is a type of addiction treatment where the patient gets a diagnosis of both drug and substance-use disorders and mental health disorders. Dual diagnosis aims to understand the interaction between addiction’s physical and mental health effects on the patient. In most cases, the patient finds it hard to achieve full recovery due to several relapse cases caused by mental health issues such as stress or depression.

There is a correlation between the type and nature of addiction that a patient suffers from the mental health state. Addressing both is a way of making it easier for the patient to achieve sobriety and concentrate on the rehab and recovery process. With the root cause of the addiction identified, the healthcare providers also find it easier to develop a treatment plan that works for the patient and helps in recovery. Dual diagnosis also gives the patient the chance to work with various medical professionals, such as counselors, therapists, doctors on the long road to recovery.

Residential Addiction Treatment Programs

When it comes to treating addiction, the programs involved will also determine the effectiveness of the treatment type. Residential addiction treatment offers an avenue that patients can use to get an intensive and comprehensive level of medical care and intervention. In most cases, residential addiction treatment programs are short as the focus is identifying the nature of addiction and addressing it amicably. There is a holistic approach to treatment in this type of program, making it possible to handle different forms of addiction.

Outpatient Addiction Treatment Programs

Unlike residential or inpatient addiction treatment programs, outpatient programs vary and come along with the services they offer to patients. Both the patient and healthcare providers like https://www.infiniterecovery.com/austin-outpatient-rehab/ work with appointments and short-term medical services to handle the addiction problem. Without patient addiction treatment, the patient does not stay at the facility but only seeks treatment when needed.

It is crucial to note that there are several types of addiction treatments that can help you overcome addiction and recover fully. It is for this reason that having information and knowledge becomes paramount. With an understanding of addiction treatment types and choosing the right one, you will be treated and have a productive individual back in the community.

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