Sometimes it can be very freeing to have no plans at the weekend, allowing yourself the opportunity to relax at home and refresh yourself, or it can provide the chance to be spontaneous. If you are someone who likes to get out of the house but doesn’t have any prior engagements for your Saturday or Sunday mornings/afternoons, here are a few suggestions on what you can do to pass the time.

Go For A Hike

Getting out in nature is a great way to refresh you and boost your mood, and this time of year when leaves are changing color and the air is crisp makes these hikes very picturesque! It’s a great way to clock in some exercise while getting out of the house and is something that you can do alone or with others. Perhaps even take a picnic with you so you can stop off in a pretty spot for lunch and enjoy the views.

Take A Book To Your Local Café

If there isn’t anyone available to keep you company this weekend, make the most of your time alone. Take yourself out for a coffee or another comforting hot drink, and bring a book with you. Of course, getting lost in a novel or non-fiction story is a great feeling, but going to your local coffee shop at least is getting you out of the house for a little while. You could even spend time wandering the local shops and perhaps treating yourself to a few new purchases before heading home.

See A Sports Match

Even if you are not a sports fan, there is something special about going to a match as the atmosphere in the stadium adds to the magic. Again, this is something you can enjoy alone, but the experience might be better if you do attend with friends. Choose a sport that you like, whether it’s baseball, basketball, hockey, football, etc., and search for tickets online. You can find plenty of sites that sell MLB tickets and covers other sporting events to get good deals.

Catch A Movie

Yes, you can just watch a movie on the couch at home, and this can be a lovely experience, but it’s not the same as seeing it on the big screen. If you want to fill a few hours one afternoon at the weekend, going to catch a movie at your local theatre is a great idea. Treat yourself to your favorite movie snacks and settle down for some excellent entertainment.

Visit A Local Gallery Or Museum

If you want a different activity, visiting a local art gallery or museum could be a good way to spend an afternoon. It could be an educational experience that you find interesting, particularly if there is an exhibit that is covering a topic you want to learn about or by an artist that you like. You could spend a little time in the gift shop to see if there is anything you’d like to take home with you to remind you of your visit!

If you’re looking for ways to fill up your weekend and get you out of the house, consider the suggestions above and see which one suits you the best.

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