Marketing is essential to any business, and construction companies are no exception. With a well-crafted plan, marketing can help your company get noticed by new clients and grow your sales pipeline. Start by identifying your goals for the year and creating a list of actionable items to get you there. These goals should be SMART (specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, time-based).

Make It Easy For People To Trust You

The construction industry is ultra-competitive when it comes to attracting new customers. You must take your construction marketing seriously and invest the time to develop a strong strategy. A great way to start is by identifying your growth goals and ensuring all your marketing tactics align with those SMART targets. It includes everything from your website to social media to paid advertising. An informative blog about your industry is another way to establish your knowledge and authority and build trust with potential customers.

Additionally, the SEO benefits of this kind of material will help you rank better in Google’s search results. Finally, implementing account-based marketing can help you reach your growth goals by targeting specific companies that would benefit from your services. It’s a great way to find more leads with the purchasing intent needed to convert them into clients. Then, you can follow up with personalized email campaigns based on Google Analytics data and your customer profiles.

Make It Easy For People To Find You

Getting and keeping clients can be challenging for construction businesses. It’s true for companies that rely on a small team and are frequently out of the office working on projects. It’s essential to focus on marketing strategies that work. It includes having a website, social media presence, and content that showcases your company’s work. It also means adding your business to local directories so people can easily find it when searching for a contractor. It’s also important to follow up with clients after projects are done. It will help to build trust and keep customers coming back. Email marketing is an excellent way to do this. Based on your customers’ Google Analytics data, it enables you to send personalized emails and provide pertinent information. It helps boost customer retention and drive more sales. In addition, it’s easier to track your return on investment with email marketing than other marketing channels.

Make It Easy For People To Hire You

Pleasing your customers is one of the keys to success as a construction company. It doesn’t mean you need to give in to every request, but you should do what you can to make the experience of working with your company a good one for them. Client satisfaction will result in repeat business and recommendations, aiding business expansion. You can offer educational content through your website and social media channels. It can include home design trends or tips on hiring a contractor.

Additionally, it would help if you build backlinks that have local relevance. It can be done by submitting your website to local directories and ensuring that your NAP is consistent across all listings. It will increase your chances of being found by potential customers when searching for contractors in your area.

Make It Easy For People To Connect With You

In a world where 81% of consumers go online to research local businesses, it would be a massive mistake for contractors to ignore digital marketing. A website serves as a business card, sales pitch, and portfolio and is vital for connecting with clients. Ensure your website is simple to use and your contact details are visible. In addition, a strong follow-up email strategy will help keep your company top of mind with prospects. This year, content marketers should focus on creating informative, educational, and how-to-style blog posts that can be filtered into Google search snippets.

Additionally, it’s essential to consider the type of video content your potential customers are looking for. It’s been found that video marketing is more effective than written content when attracting and engaging your audience. It’s also a great way to boost your SEO. Search engines want to recommend quality content for their users.

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