Arriving in a new country can be a bit of a daunting prospect for any person, but even more so when it means a whole family uprooting and heading to the other side of the world. However, this is a massive opportunity career wise that will also ensure financial stability for years to come.

Thailand holds no fears for you or your husband, as you have visited on holiday and loved every minute of it. Indeed, that was one of the things that made your decision easier. One slight concern is how your won will get on at what you consider to be the best International Primary School in Bangkok according to the advice of other parents. There are many reasons why you have every confidence that the switch will be problem free and offer huge opportunities to your offspring, especially after speaking to a fellow parent with a daughter who attends.

  • The school maintains the highest standard of teaching, having been established over sixty years ago. It delivers the best opportunities for its scholars to develop and continue to further education prior to them heading on in life. The teachers and staff are skilled, qualified and of a high quality.
  • The feedback from your new friend is everything that you wanted to hear, as her daughter comes home from school full of beans having enjoyed every single day. She says that the teachers are supportive and communicate wonderfully well, which is evident in the way that she’s noticeably developing. Maybe you might consider getting a beagle puppy for your son if he seems as happy when he comes home.
  • The classrooms are modern with continually updated amenities which makes attending pleasurable as the pupils continually learn new skills and acquire knowledge. Although the school of choice has been in existence for six decades, it doesn’t mean that they are stuck in their ways, as they are forward thinking and look to be innovative.
  • The school curriculum centred around the American, British, and international systems, which encourages development as an individual and as part of a group. Extra curriculum activities include music, arts, and sport which will allow your child’s creative side to develop.
  • Your child will be provided with the maximum opportunity to attain accredited examinations and qualifications in secondary education at a quality international school in Bangkok. All have been approved by Thailand’s quality assurance body as well as the council of International Schools and are recognised worldwide for their high standards. Perhaps a thirst for knowledge can be enhanced with an interesting museum visit.
  • The facilities for these activities are second to none in the City of Angels, whether it’s perfectly prepared sports pitches, tennis courts, the swimming pool or studios for the arts. It allows for the best opportunities to strive for excellence.

You need not have any concerns about the education of your child when you send him to a quality international primary school in Bangkok, which attains continually high standards and provides an enjoyable environment.

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