When constructing your home you need to make all decisions. This begins with choosing the right company to get your home built. Selecting the right new home builders Newcastle is an important decision you will make in the home buying process. The good news is that there are ways to speed up research and selection. This way you can find a quality builder like Vision Homes, who is a good match to construct your new home.

Points To Consider When Finding The Right Home Builder

Some builders construct a wide range of homes but many specialize in a specific type of home-style or price range. There are not many firms that build new homes for first-time buyers as well as multi-million dollar homes for custom home buyers. The trade contractors, building materials, and even the building process can differ greatly by price and type of home. You have to find a builder that fits with this need first.

Experience Counts

Every home builder once built his first home. Many new firms were started by experienced veterans of other builders. You need not overlook a new firm especially if the team includes seasoned pros. You need to look for the strong experience overall, mainly in the type of home you want.

Are Past Home Buyers Satisfied

Many builders provide customer references and referrals? If they do not provide, you can ask and follow-up. Ask previous customers if they would like to buy another home from the builder? Or recommend him to close friends or family? You can also ask for the key reasons why they would or would not recommend the builder.

Is The Builder Licensed & Insured?

Not every area or state needs builders to be licensed, but you only want to hire and work with the company that is fully insured and licensed. You should ask about the insurance that the builder and his or her trade contractors carry. You should make sure that they and you are covered during the construction process.

Is There A Design Fit?

A builder whose complete portfolio consists of contemporary homes may not be the right fit if you are looking for a traditional home. Many builders have expertise in a number of design styles and architectural details, but you want a builder whose work includes examples of the style of home you want.

Warranty & Service

One of the main advantages of new construction is that your home and the systems, products, and components are brand new and under warranty. There is peace of mind knowing that major repairs or new roofs are years away. You want to go for a structural warranty of 10 years or longer and the home itself and this will be transferable to a new owner you sell.

Resale Value

Good reputations follow good builders. Look for builders whose homes hold or maintain their value. Look for realtor ads that mention the name of a builder for a home for sale that’s now 5 or 7 years old. A builder that a realtor sees as valuable and reliable is a big advantage.

Industry Involvement

Every builder does not choose to join the local home builder association, so don’t place too much emphasis on this. The membership does show that a builder is committed to the area for a long haul. It is a sign, they are committed to new community developers, Product Suppliers and trade contractors that are located within the local area.


Find signs of quality construction and attention to detail while you visit the model homes. Consider the building products used by the Builder and whether they are brands with a well-earned reputation for quality or not. The quality of people who work with the Builder is also something to pay attention to. All these will help you to select the right new home builder for your home.

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