This Adobe After Effects exam guide will assist partners, consumers, and students in preparing for the exam.

as well as consultants who are working to become Adobe Certified Experts.

(ACE). While this guide is intended to cover the exam in detail and provide as much information as possible,

Exam preparation should not be limited to obtaining as much information as feasible. Through courses, the Adobe Training Program delivers in-depth training on test subjects. You must have hands-on experience with the Adobe product suite in order to pass any Adobe certification exam.

The certification is earned by passing a multiple-choice test with a minimum passing score of 64 percent. Candidates will receive their official score for the exam shortly after completing the examination.

You will be notified via email when the results are available. In order to be eligible for certification, an individual must meet the following conditions: 

The certification is granted to any individual who meets all of the requirements.

If you have passed the Adobe Certified Expert (ACE) certification and are not currently employed by a Tier 1 or 2 Adobe customer, then you may be able to recertify through one of these Adobe documentation sites. You will need your badge number, your first name and last initial, and your position and company. Your original badge number/ certificate number must be provided as well.

Adobe Certified Expert status is obtainable only by passing a series of exams in a given product area.

The first certification will be obtained by passing the Adobe Certified Expert: After Effects CC (ACE) exam, offered in centres throughout North America.

Places are limited to five participants percenter at any given time. Exams are offered twice each year.

Pearson VUE, an independent testing company, administers the ACE: After Effects CC exam.

At, candidates can acquire step-by-step online scheduling guidance.


You can sign up for a scheduled exam at Pearson VUE testing centres.

To register for the exam, you must pay a registration fee and present valid identification at the time of testing. It is recommended that you arrive at least 10 minutes before your scheduled appointment time. You are not allowed to bring cell phones into the testing centre or anything else that may be used to take notes or record information during the exam.

Multiple-choice questions in English make up the exam. The length of the exam will be determined by how many questions you successfully answer.

The scoring of the exam is determined by a weighted average of your correct answers.

The exam has three parts:

Following the completion of the examination, candidates will receive their final results.

Once you obtain the minimum passing score for each portion of the exam, Pearson VUE will send an email to the address supplied with a link to your scores.

Pearson VUE’s website has the results for each section.

Review the topic areas and objectives in this exam bulletin thoroughly to fully prepare for the exam. Configure a workspace based on a scenario.

Learn to work with the tool based on hands-on experience and a clear understanding of the objectives. Practice what you have learned.

Wait until you can work through an exercise on your own. When reviewing material, be sure to identify and understand what information is related to each objective.

Practice all the tasks that pertain to the objectives until you are comfortable performing them.

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