Mold is common in any household, and if you cannot prevent it, it spreads fast and in different places of the home. Some of these places in your home, like your living room, garage, bedroom, attic, and kitchen, and others must stay mold-free. More so, for your kitchen, ensure that you master the prevention of keeping it mold-free. However, if you spot any mold in your kitchen or a musty smell in it, this could mean there is the presence of mold. If this is the case, contact the mold inspection New York pros to come and advise further on the type of mold you have in your kitchen. In this article are ways on how you can create a mold-resistant kitchen.

Check The Humidity Levels

Humidity is one of the main contributors to mold, especially in areas where there is high humidity, like the kitchen. How do you then ensure that the humidity, is under control to prevent mold from growing and spreading? One of the easiest ways to control high levels of humidity is to open windows, especially when cooking. This will help lower the levels of humidity, and also allow fresh air to come into the kitchen. During summer, when the heat causes levels of humidity to go higher, try using a dehumidifier to solve the humidity issue. Notably, ensure that your dehumidifier does not make your kitchen have low humidity for it is not healthy for your health.

Look Out For Leaks & Fix Them

Since mold loves to thrive in moisture, it is vital to always be on the lookout for any leaks and floods that can be in your kitchen. Do this by performing regular pipe checks to ensure there is no leakage. Plus, if there are any, no matter how minimal that you fix them immediately. Hence, ensure that you check under the kitchen sink, the kitchen ceiling, and any other leaks, for instance, in leaking water from the dishwashing machine, since any water present in any kitchen will attract mold, even little spills.

Throw Away Spoiled Food 

How often do you clean your food storage and fridge from spoilt food and leftovers? Carry out this task every day to ensure your kitchen has no spoilt food and vegetables lying around. As a result, you will not only maintain fresh food in your storage area, but you will ensure that there is no breeding ground for mold. Therefore, buy enough food for the period you need it, and in this way, you will not only save on wastage, but you will prevent moldy food leftovers in your fridge, drawers, and pantry.

Wash Dishes Daily

Avoid piling dishes in the sink, as this will only build a mold colony. When you stack dishes together, they remain wet. Plus, the presence of moisture and rotten food is an ideal breeding ground for mold. Therefore, ensure that you wash your utensils as you cook and ensure that the dishes are dry before you put them in the cabinet. So wash your dishes every night and keep off mold and any other visitors in your kitchen. This also creates a tidy and clean place to work on for your next meal preparation.

Clean Appliances 

Every time you use a kitchen appliance, ensure that you clean it after every use. Some of these appliances are microwaves, blenders, coffee pots as they are easy to wipe and wash. Although most people think microwave radiation kills mold spores, mold still forms in a microwave that has food particles and moisture. Also, the disadvantage of appliances is that they are always covered, sealed, or closed when not in use. This cuts airflow, and as a result, it traps mold spores in them, and if you do not keep them clean, mold thrives in them.

To sum up, you must ensure you create a mold-resistant kitchen, and the above ways will be helpful. Also, keep your kitchen clean at all times and your storage facilities like the fridge and cabinets too. When you ensure your kitchen is with no food sources and humidity is in control. It is the best way to keep mold from your kitchen.

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