Dental tools and equipment do not come cheap, which makes them substantial investments that you have to think about carefully. Dental chairs, in particular, can be one of the most challenging things to buy for your clinic because of the many components you have to consider. While the selection process was much simpler back then, practitioners are now more critical about every aspect. From reliability to built-in technologies to comfort and ergonomics, there are so many details that you have to look into before choosing the right dental chair.
Having a dental chair is essential for you to treat your patients. Aside from being able to serve physical needs, the chair should also provide comfort to the dental team and the patient, as well as complement your clinic’s ambience. However, it is not possible to test out the performance of every chair you see, so doing research beforehand is essential. If it is your first time getting a chair, you should take the time to learn about all your options to make sure you find the perfect one for your clinic.
Look Into Latest Technologies
Technology has undeniably become a part of so many industries today that dental chair technologies and engineering continue to evolve. Over time, more developments have been introduced to make treatment procedures simpler and easier to deliver. Thus, you have to update yourself with the latest advancements to make sure you get a chair that can keep up with technological needs for many years.
Ensure Stability And Ergonomics
Dental chairs have to be stable, so you can easily perform your treatments and procedures with your patients. The baseplate should be large enough to support the chair, but not too large that it will interfere with stool casters. The seating area should also be stable, which means it should not easily sway or tip forward. Additionally, the chair should be ergonomically adaptive, especially since it serves as your workbench for several hours each day. You should have easy access to the patient, so you can easily treat them.
Do Not Forget Comfort
Even though you are not sitting on the dental chair, you still have to think about how comfortable your patient will feel while sitting on it. Look for a headrest and armrests to give your patients ease of access and prevent them from feeling stiff during long procedures. As a whole, the chair should also offer ample cushioning for comfort.
Ensure Durability
Your dental equipment has to be functioning properly for you to be able to work. Thus, look for a chair that is durable and built to last you for many years. If you constantly run into issues while using it, you will have to keep spending on repairs and maintenance. This will not only cost you more in the long run but may also lead to delayed procedures due to malfunctioning parts. Try to look for a chair that has fewer moving parts but still contains all the technologies and aspects you need. This way, repairs will be more manageable.
Consider Operatory Packages
Some dental chairs come with configurations, like chair-mounted lights, in an operatory package. Availing these packages provides you with ease of installation since you will have all the parts ready, and you do not need to think about wiring or mounting support anymore. On the contrary, if you prefer buying the chair and accessories separately, you will have the liberty of installing your accessories in your desired spot.
Author Bio
Alice Churchill is a copywriter and content strategist. She helps businesses stop playing around with content marketing and start seeing the tangible ROI. She loves writing as much as she loves the cake.