Every business needs customers to grow, and in this digital age of e-commerce, you need to improve your marketing methods for those potential clients to find you. And for the digital landscape, that’s being on the first few pages of a search engine result.

Investing in optometrist web design helps you connect with your target audience and increase your visibility online and we’ve listed the top approaches to help your eye care practice.

1. Google Business Profile

A Google Business Profile (GBP) is a Yellow Pages of sorts for the internet – or a system similar to Yelp.  Voice and search engine searches with the phrase “near me” utilize GBP for local searches thus increasing your ranking in web searches and Google Maps.

A completed listing should show the following:

  • Business address, hours, and description
  • Contact details
  • Maps and Images

2. Call-To-Actions & Emails

When visiting your website, the first thing they see is your landing page and so you want to make a good first impression. Although your credentials, skills, and awards as an optometrist are something to be proud of, this should not be the primary focus. Instead, opt for a clean and navigable site, with a clear call to action to convert first time visitors to patrons.

Do you want your visitors to sign up or call you for an appointment? Sign-up for email updates? Whatever it is, make sure that it is the first thing that is noticeable.

3. Reviews On Google

Reviews of a business’ service can be a gift or a curse – it all depends on the quality of service you provide. Not only does it show the level of confidence you have on feedback to your service, it’s also a useful way to listen to why patients choose you over other optometrists.

Google determines rankings of local businesses depending on Relevance, Distance, and Prominence. If you’ve already set-up your Google Business Profile, patients will have the ability to leave feedback regarding your service through this portal or even through Google Maps. Getting good reviews and taking time to address issues or show appreciation to positive feedback increases your ranking under Prominence for the Google search Engine.

4. Optimized Metadata

Metadata, simply put, is “data about the data”. The goal of metadata is to tell spiders of any search engine what the content of your website is about and if it matches an internet user’s query. Properly utilizing meta descriptions will increase traffic to your website. 

As you go deeper into setting up SEO, keep Meta Titles, Meta Descriptions, and Meta Tags in mind.

5. Business Blog

Writing can sound taxing – especially for science-related practice like optometry. But creating engaging blogs can be a breeze if you understand how your patients think and give optometry advice that is actually already available on the internet. Your advantage however, is that you have a degree to prove your trustworthiness.

With blogs, potential patients online can share your content to their personal networks to increase your organic reach. It also helps in making you more visible in SEO if you incorporate common search engine keywords specific to optometry issues and solutions.  

6. Be Mobile-Friendly

A website that incorporates responsive design is one that is viewable on any type of device. With a majority of internet users accessing the web through their mobile phones, making sure that your website is responsive is a necessity – after all, you wouldn’t want your patients who are already challenged with eye problems to have difficulty looking at your site. There is a high value in having your design adjusted to mobile phones, and to get some fresh ideas we suggest to click here now.

Additionally, the most popular search engine, Google utilizes mobile-first indexing which prioritizes mobile-friendly websites in search engine results and places them in the first pages of any query.  

7. Track Your Performance

Lastly, it’s always a good thing to measure where you are making progress in your marketing strategies. Some of the best tools you can utilize are Google Analytics and Google Search Console.

Though Analytics, you are able to identify what pages are able to engage your site visitors, what keywords are able to bring in more traffic, and from where. While with Search Console, you will be able to see how your site is ranking on search engines as well as the number of clicks you get.

With these tools, you will be able to have a deeper understanding of the behavior of your target patients and what marketing strategies you should stick to or improve to gain more customers in the future.

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