There have always been those who have long-distance relationships and who may not be able to see each other and interact physically. This has given rise to virtual dating or outings. It is a trend that has also exploded in popularity over the last two years and the recent pandemic. Here are 6 simple ideas that you can implement for a great virtual date night.
A karaoke night out has always been a winner for fun, laughter, and an assortment of music. The same can be said for a karaoke night in, and as long as you and the others on the date have the same mobile app, with the words of the songs, you will be able to sing the night away. It is also an incredibly simple and fun activity to do for more than just two. Use YouTube songs with lyrics (ensure that you search for the song title followed by Karaoke to get the best version of the lyrics), allow everyone to choose their favorite songs, and then simply share their screen when it is their turn. The volume controls will be tricky to master, and it’s suggested to test this all before the time to ensure that everyone can hear And be heard when it’s their turn to sing. Some people have noted online that they have enjoyed it so much that they have looked to then buy a karaoke machine and simply share the screen to allow all access to the saved songs and words as well as then allowing their singing to be scored.
A Casino Night
A casino night is one of the best ways to interact and have fun with your partner or mates in a virtual setting. Simply find the best online casinos that are licensed in your vicinity, and then select one that you both find entertaining and that has the games you both enjoy. Set a black-tie dress code and make it as glamorous as you can. Then as long as you and your date have access to the same casino online, you will be able to again either share the screen or simply try to meet up in the same virtual casino rooms and play there together, making use of the online casinos chat to converse and interact.
Dinner Date
It may seem strange in that you will essentially be eating alone. However, a meal is one of the best ways to get to know your partner or date a whole lot better. There are some good questions to create discussion at the dinner table to use. There are those who have simply ordered their favorite cuisine (takeaways and fast food included) and then sat down together over Zoom, Skype, or a video call to eat and enjoy one another’s company. Then there are those who will share recipes, discuss the ingredients, and even cook the meal together online and only then sit down to eat it with one another. This date night in the idea will provide the same luxury as going out for dinner if you both set the table, add flowers, a great bottle of wine, and some mood-setting soft music.
A Movie
This is arguably incredibly simple and could entail both of you watching the same movie on a shared screen or watching it on the television or streamed while you have another screen set up to interact and talk positioned on the comfortable seat next to you throughout the movie. This will allow you to chat as you go, or if chatting during the movie isn’t your thing, you will also be able to have an intermission where you can catch up and discuss the movie to that point, make some popcorn and grab a drink. Discuss the choice of the move well in advance, and ensure that you have a second one lined up as well, just in case.
A Museum Tour
There are over 75 renowned museums around the world that offer virtual tours of their exhibitions, art, and culture. From the Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam, the National History Museum in London, and the Art Institute of Chicago, you will be able to see some of the greatest works of art and history without having to look over or around anyone and for as long as you want to. As long as the other party likes and enjoys this kind of outing, then you will be surprised at how enjoyable a night at the museum can be. Because it is a virtual tour, it is saved and simply accessed at any time, providing the perfect foil for enjoyable conversation and getting to know each other better.
Attend A Concert
The rise of the virtual music concert has been a long time coming, and even if our modern-day music superstars are able to fill an arena, they are now also looking to sell additional tickets for people and fans to attend virtually. As long as you select a musician or group that you both enjoy and appreciate, then you can have a heap of fun. Pump up the volume and let your hair down. Keep in mind that this may not be a good first date scenario as music concerts and festivals are known to get quite messy. So, keep this for a current partner who already knows how bad your dance moves and singalong are.
Final Remarks
Once you’ve decided what it is you and yours would like to do, it would be pertinent to determine exactly what technology will be required. Then, have this in place for both or all parties before you send out the invitations. The likelihood is that you will use Zoom, Google Meet, Skype, or Microsoft teams and, as such, will need to evaluate beforehand to ensure that the sound, screen, and immediate interaction is acceptable and makes for a seamless opportunity to interact and enjoy one another’s a company without any tech glitches. The virtual date has gone from strength to strength and is expected to simply continue in this vein. The ideas above have proven to be some of the best times had online if the socials and dating sites and forums are anything to go by.