Everyone wants their house to feel like a home, but having the time and the money to make it so can be difficult. If you’re looking for a way to improve the overall look of your house to make it feel more personal to you and more refined, keep reading.

1. Exterior Paint

First impressions are everything, and the exterior of your home will give visitors and passers by an idea of what the inside of your home might be like. If your house paint is looking a bit worse for wear, it might be time to do a fresh coat. This will not only brighten up the outside façade, but it will make your house look more kept and looked after, and this can give you some serious kerb appeal.

After you’ve done the outside walls, it might be worth considering if your window ledges and doors could benefit from a fresh coat of paint. These small details can make all the difference, especially if you’re big on gardening and take a lot of pride in the presentation of your front/back yard.

2. Artificial Lawn

Staying with the outside of your house, if you struggle to maintain a luscious green lawn, fake grass is the way to go. This is a more expensive home improvement, but it definitely pays for itself in the sense that for a one-off fee, you’ll have stunningly fresh, vibrant lawn all year round for years to come. Fake grass is safe for pets and children and has been revitalized to look more natural than ever. Artificial turf underlay makes it super soft underfoot, allowing you to enjoy all the benefits of real grass but without the hassle. It’s amazing how much of a difference a well kept garden can have on your house, so if you’re finding it tricky to make your garden match the quality of the rest of your house, synthetic lawn is the answer to all your troubles.

3. Grout

Grout is not a very exciting home improvement project, but it’s one that can really make or break how a bathroom/kitchen looks. If your bathroom is old and suffers from yellow grout, or if the tiles behind your oven have been splashed with hot food so often that they’re now permanently stained, a grout pen can save you a lot of money. There’s no need to completely replace your kitchen or bathroom tiles just because your grout is a bit off – a grout pen will rectify the issue and make them look as good as the day they were installed.

4. Plants

If you find that your space looks a bit bare and void, plants are the way forward. Whether it’s a floor plant, a plant on a shelf or a small selection on your window ledge, plants can instantly make a space feel more serene and calm. They not only look beautiful, they’re excellent for your health, too. Plants have been proven to reduce stress, increase concentration and keep the air inside your house clean and free of toxins. They also reduce noise levels, too – what’s not to love? If you can’t keep real plants alive, there are lots of realistic fake plants available to buy, allowing you to bring life to your home in a way that requires no effort!

5. Furniture

Potentially one of the easiest but most rewarding home improvements you can make comes in the form of upcycling old furniture. New furniture can be expensive and it can be hard to find something that works exactly the way you want it to. If you have old furniture that is still very functional but doesn’t look quite so nice anymore, simply paint it! You can instantly modernize something and make it look like a brand new piece just by painting it. It doesn’t take long but it can have a lasting impact on your home and how a room looks/feels.

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