Before the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, offices were the predominant space for business operations. You would find a job, clock in when you arrive at the office, and clock out once your work day is over. However, with work-from-office jobs came a whole host of other complaints and issues faced by employees.

Long travel times further exacerbated by travel costs, endless office hours, and the allocation of excess work all became staple complaints from the workspace. Until, of course, the COVID-19 pandemic made working from home the only viable option. Since the pandemic-induced lockdowns have been lifted, many employees still prefer working from home for a multitude of reasons.

Working from home is very convenient. You wake up in your office and are at home once the workday is over. Not to mention that once the day is over, you can simply clock out and not be disturbed.

However, here are a few reasons why you might prefer a work-from-office job:

A High-Caliber Workplace

Working from home is comfortable, convenient, and affordable. So much so that over 35% of the American workforce who have jobs that can be done in a work-from-home format are opting to do just that.

As it turns out, companies spend a lot of time and money researching how to increase productivity for employees. In the past, companies have failed to adopt an employee-centric approach, choosing to prioritize the bottom line instead.

Today, however, companies are building practices to elevate the quality of life of their employees, hoping that it will translate into better output. It’s a simple ‘you’re happy, we’re happy’ approach.

CaterCow highlights how building a positive culture within the company not only increases retention rates but employee satisfaction as well.

From workplace activities and leisurely trips to new-age practices like an online group order that brings in food for the whole office, there is plenty to gain from a work-from-office job.

A Good Work-Life Balance

Perhaps the biggest benefit of a work-from-home job is the lack of traveling to and from your workplace. You wake up in your workplace and only need to take a few steps to get back to your bed. This is beneficial because your employer cannot reach you at your home.

A flip side to this, however, is that you never actually clock out. Since your work is not limited to a physical space, employers and clients could hypothetically reach out at any hour of the day, even if your work hours have long concluded.

Many workplaces have strict rules against employees working overtime and provide compensation for the same. But quantifying your working hours gets harder when you reply to an email after hours because you are working from home.

With a physical workplace, you can leave your work at the office.

The Ability To Network & Build Connections

Working from home can be convenient since you do not have to spend time in meetings and conversations that hinder your productivity. As it turns out, a casual greeting from your colleague or a quick catch-up by the water fountain can sprout more benefits than you might think.

An APA study highlighted how over 65% of employees reported feeling feelings of loneliness and isolation while working from home. By working in a physical workspace, you are also presented with the opportunity to socialize.

It also allows you to build better connections. Even if your boss or colleague shares a lot in common with you, it might be hard to form a bond over two screens. Sharing a workplace facilitates the formation of such connections, allowing you to build your network exponentially.

Good Collaboration & Communication

Working from home allows you to hyper-optimize your work. You can focus solely on completing the task at hand, sans any interruptions. As the saying goes, too many cooks spoil the broth. One might contend, however, that not enough cooks render the broth pretty bland.

Sharing a workplace with your fellow employees opens the door for smooth and seamless communication. This increase in the ability to collaborate and communicate can have a positive impact on the quality of work that is output by a team.

You could send out your idea in an email to your boss and colleagues, and they could respond with feedback. But wouldn’t it be better if you could present your ideas in your voice, and be met with real-time feedback?


Ever since the COVID-19 pandemic-induced lockdowns and their subsequent lifting, the debate of ‘work from home vs. work from office’ has raged on. It turns out, however, that they both have their own sets of benefits and drawbacks.

What it really comes down to are your preferences as an employee and the kind of work you do. If you find that the work-from-home model is better suited for your needs, have at it! If, however, you have landed an office job and are perturbed by it, maybe now you can open yourself to the possibility of it being a good experience!

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