Your child has been asking for a pet for a long time now – there’s only so much longer you can hold off before buying that perfect kid’s-best-friend for your son or daughter. If you are unsure where to start when looking for the ideal addition to your family, we are here to help.

Parents may be concerned whether they should get an indoor pet, like a cat, or something that is much smaller and easier to control, like a gerbil or hamster. However, everyone knows the true “man’s best friend” is often considered the best family pet.

What To Consider Before Buying A Puppy

When looking to buy or adopt a dog for your family, some say adopting an older dog is the best way to go. If you are an older person who is less active and understands your dog may only have a few years left to live, adopting an older dog can help give them a home before they pass.

However, if you want a dog who will be by your child’s side during their young and teenage years, adopting or buying a dog when it is just a puppy can be the best way to foster a lifelong relationship. Consider adding dogs to your family when they are young, like adopting or buying Maltipoo puppies or Dachshund puppies less than a year old.

However, before buying your first puppy, there are some things you should keep in mind.

Are You Ready?

Even though your kid has been begging you for a dog for months now and claims they are ready for the responsibility, you need to make sure that the entire family is ready to take care of an animal. Since puppies are so time-consuming, you need to make sure you can feed the dog at proper intervals, walk at various points throughout the day, and become house-trained to avoid any inside messes.

Keep in mind that although puppies are cute, they are young and can be full of energy, destructive, and curious – this means they could lick, chew, and bite various objects around the house. If you’re not ready to puppy-proof your furniture, preparing yourself and your home before adopting is the first step.

What Kind Of Puppy Is Right For You?

Maybe the breed of your dreams is Maltipoo puppies! Or, maybe you would rather choose Golden Retriever or Labrador puppies. Deciding what puppy is right for you means making a list of features or traits that you want for your dog to have, such as:

  • The size of your dog – small dogs could be better for apartments and small spaces, whereas large dogs provide more security
  • Do you want an active dog that remains energetic throughout its life, or do you want a calmer dog?
  • Are you able to deal with long-hair shedding, or do you want a dog that sheds very little and has short hair?

Where Can I Find My New Puppy?

Once you have an idea of what type of puppy you want, you can now begin your search for the ideal choice. When buying Maltipoo puppies or any other breed, try and search local adoption sites or websites to give a home to a needy dog. Mixed-breed dogs are usually very calm, personable, friendly, and underrated.

Browsing through your local animal shelters and rescue groups will yield hundreds of results of mixed-breed puppies who are searching for their forever home. Although purebred Maltipoo puppies are your ideal choice, finding a mixed-breed Maltipoo could be the most humane option.

Puppy-Proof Your Home

Before you adopt or buy a puppy, you need to “puppy proof” your home to prevent extra damage and destruction due to the curiosity of your new family member!

  • Hide all electrical cords and low-lying electronics that your puppy can bite, chew, or get tangled in
  • Keep houseplants high up where your dog cannot reach or jump
  • Lock cabinets that contain food or medications that can harm the dog if ingested
  • Keep laundry and small items out of reach of the puppy
  • Get a trash can with a locking lid to make sure the puppy does not get into the garbage to eat scraps of food

Buy Puppy Supplies

Now that you have adopted 2 Maltipoo puppies, you need to make sure you have the right supplies, food, and toys for your new family members.

  • Leashes for each puppy
  • Adjustable collar with ID tags that show its name and address
  • Pet bowls for food and water
  • Puppy food
  • Dog bed with extra space for the puppy to grow
  • Dog crate
  • Dog toys

We Know What Kind Of Puppy Could Be Right For You – Maltipoo Puppies!

Now that you know the basics of looking for and adopting/buying dogs for your family, you may be wondering what type of dog breed is best for your lifestyle. There are many factors that can change your choices, such as the age of the dog, the activity level, size, and other attributes.

The most popular dog breeds are as follows:

  • Labrador Retrievers: This friendly and active puppy is the perfect family dog
  • German Shepherd: This companion is known for being extremely loyal
  • Golden Retrievers: Perfect for those who want a friendly and intelligent puppy
  • French Bulldog: Want a small dog that requires very little exercise? Look no further.
  • Beagles: Beagles are curious and adorable, a perfect exploration partner for children.
  • Rottweilers: For single women who want a protective guardian, this could be a perfect choice.
  • Maltipoo Puppies: A popular cross of a Maltese and a Poodle, Maltipoo puppies are known for being fun-loving, affectionate, charming, and sensitive.


When searching for the perfect addition to your family, you need to make sure you have checked off various things in your preparation list before buying or adopting a dog. Once you have puppy-proof your home, decided on the perfect breed, made sure you have enough time to care for the puppy and have the proper supplies, you can finally go ahead and add Maltipoo puppies to your growing family!

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