To use or not to use a dog crate? Many dog owners battle with the idea at some point, especially those that leave their puppies unattended during the day. Fortunately, you need not worry about your dog’s safety and comfort because the pampered pup offers a range of dog crates suitable for your dog.
Dog crates are a small territory for puppies, so they see it as their “den”, the ideal place to retire when they want to rest or feel safe. Dog crates help in reducing stress during emergencies, such as an evacuation. They also have a familiar space when you are moving houses, reducing anxiety.
Since you do not know what the future holds, it is best to train your dog to accept the dog crate. Getting a dog to enter one for the first time in the middle of an emergency can cause stress and anxiety instead of making your dog feel safe and secure. Your dog’s emotions are easier to read when they turn to the crate for comfort and security.
How You Can Help Your Puppy Feel Safe In A Crate
Crate training sometimes may not be a preference but a necessity. Should your dog suffer an injury, he will be safer in a crate because he will not move as much as he would on a couch. Although the crate is a secure and safe space for your puppy, he will not take to it immediately. You need to guide him to see the dog crate as his space.
You can do the following to help your puppy feel safe in the crate.
- Encourage your dog to use the crate often until he starts going into it independently.
- Place the crate in a place where you can be close by so your dog doesn’t feel abandoned. You can even lie down next to the crate and cuddle your dog to help him feel more secure.
- Make the dog crate the space for mental stimulation. Puppies need mental stimulation almost as much as physical exercises. Pick a challenging toy, but not too much that your dog gets frustrated with it.
- You can choose to use treats as a reward for him resting in the crate. However, be careful not to overdo it. Otherwise, your dog will emotionally blackmail you, expecting a treat every time he goes to the crate, which can be counterproductive.
- Schedule crate breaks. Have a flexible schedule that will help your dog know what comes before and after crate time. For example, you can introduce crate rests after meals and before going to the park. So he will willingly go to rest knowing what is to come later.
Dog crates are not only great for dogs but you as well. Once your dog starts seeing the crate as his territory, he will start going there to rest, and you can do your work without worrying about your dog. You can also leave the dog in the crate when away from home. You only need to ensure the crate is large enough and comfortable for your dog.