The manufacturing landscape is changing fast – but are you ready for what’s to come?

In the age of technology, it’s only natural that manufacturing processes have started to evolve. Compared to several decades ago, everything is different now, whether it’s manufacturing cars or toys.

As the world moves forward, new trends and strategies are going to emerge. Here are just a handful of future trends in manufacturing to look out for:

1. Custom Manufacturing Software

Firstly, there’s custom manufacturing software. With custom manufacturing software, manufacturers can have software tailor-made for their exact needs. An example of this would be production planning software based on automation and analytics.

Custom software enables bigger, better, and smarter manufacturing. This is why it’s now becoming the industry norm, and many modern companies are incorporating it into their business processes.

2. 5G Technology

5G has only been around a few years, but it’s already changing the manufacturing industry (as well as countless other industries, too).

With 5G technology, manufacturing units get to experience shorter lead times, faster communication, secure connectivity, and a whole range of other benefits that 3G and 4G technology can’t offer.

Although 5G technology is more expensive, it’s still the number one priority for many manufacturers.

3. Automation

Automation will be another key part of manufacturing in the future. In simple terms, automation is when equipment and machinery are used to automate the production process without the need for human input. This is great for manufacturers who are looking to reduce costs, as they no longer need to hire as many floor employees due to the fact that so many different processes can now be automated.

Eventually, it will likely reach a point where all manufacturing processes are automated, therefore eliminating the need for any human input at all!

4. 3D Printing

At one point in time, 3D printing was seen as a complete fantasy. Now, it’s a reality.

Through 3D printing, manufacturers can produce complex parts at much lower costs than usual. Also, they can speed up the production process, too – which is great for overall efficiency.

There’s still a long way to go when it comes to 3D printing (for example, it’s still impossible to 3D print an entire car), but it will one day become the industry standard in the near future, from smartphone to clothes manufacturing. It’s simply a case of waiting for      3D printing to become more affordable and accessible – especially for smaller organizations.

5. Smart Inventory Management

Lastly, manufacturers are using big data and analytics for smarter inventory management. This allows for high-quality forecasting, fewer costs, less waste, and a reduced risk of overselling.

For example, when the busy Christmas period arrives, manufacturers can make sure that their inventory is managed in a way that demand can be satisfied.


The future is extremely bright for manufacturing. From 5G technology to 3D printing, there’s a lot to look forward to! This is true whether you’re a manufacturer or a customer, as all parties will benefit from these trends in the future.

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