Whether you’re running a blog, a YouTube channel or a personal or social media page, video has been proven time and time again to be by far the most engaging media format. However, with so much video content already online, it’s getting harder and harder for would-be videographers and professionals alike to find ways to make their productions stand out.

In 2019, there was an estimated 500 hours of video uploaded to YouTube every minute and with the majority of the other social platforms also now supporting video (albeit, many with smaller time limits), finding new ways to differentiate your edits from the masses already available on the web can be challenging.

Ways To Make Your Content Stand Out & Increase Viewer Stats

If you’re struggling with generating an audience for your edits, below are some tips that should increase your viewing figures – and, crucially, help retain users and convert them into content subscribers:

Consider All Audiences

If you want an easy way to increase your followers, one sure-fire method is to think about the needs of the user. With the vastly improved tech that is available to producers these days, there’s no longer any excuse not to make your content as accessible as possible – plus, doing so will also work wonders for the image of your brand or channel. You should always consider those with hearing or sight difficulties and include accurate closed captioning services plus audio descriptions in your files.

Make It Feel Real

Today’s web users and content consumers are considerably savvier than at any point in history. If your video looks fake, rigid or overly managed, you’ll likely see potential viewers turn away in their droves. Indeed, this applies evenly across the board in everything from amateur drama productions to videos with a presenter reading a script – if it looks staged, it will feel fake and lose any sense of authenticity or authority.

In Almost All Cases, Less Is More

If you’re just starting out as a content producer, you’ll likely be tempted to include every single detail, camera angle or line of dialogue thinking that it tells a more complete tale. In truth, the opposite applies and, very often, taking a shorter, more direct route to your editing can end up with a far more engaging final production. For example, including the full process of someone walking up to a burger van, handing over money and buying a cheeseburger might take 60 seconds – where a couple of cut shots (footsteps, shot of van, exchanging notes for a burger) could achieve the same effect in three or perhaps four seconds. Moreover, it will be far more interesting. Think carefully about your edits and how much you need to include to create the same impression.

Prepare Well

While an off-the-cuff approach to filming and editing will lend authenticity and a natural presentation style will always be more engaging than someone that’s reading word for word, if things get too lax, your video will end up looking unprofessional. Always take time to think about the best angle for a shot, give your presenter at least some notes to work from to help them maintain their direction and think about sound/lighting considerations. As with most areas of life, a little preparatory work can work wonders for the end result.

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