Did you know almost all materials consist of multiple elements?  When identifying various samples in the lab, analysts test their chemical compositions. EDX and FITR are some of the most popular testing methods and determining the composition of different elements.

Let’s start by exploring EDX.

Energy Dispersive X-Ray (EDX) 

Also referred to as EDS, EDX is an X-ray method used to identify various materials’ elemental composition. It is used with Transmission Electron Microscopy and Scanning Electron Microscopy to identify specimens in product research, deformulation, and troubleshooting.

Additional applications include:

  • Analysis of defective products
  • Color and optical appearance problems
  • Bonding and adhesion analysis
  • Product defomulation investigations
  • Quality control
  • Contamination detection

The EDX analysis helps determine the compositions’ elements by providing data on the spectra of an analyzed sample. Essentially, this technique is essential in industrial forensic analysis and contamination investigations. It is also used in mapping to provide the spatial distribution of elements in an EDX mapping lab. EDX analysis can either be quantitative, qualitative, or semi-qualitative.

The analytical technique boasts two main advantages that endear it to analysts. First, it is not destructive and does not necessarily require specimen preparation. Therefore, you can jump right into analysis, especially if it is an urgent case.

Benefits Of EDX Analysis

  • Identify contaminants quickly
  • Detect the origin of the problem in a process
  • Boost quality control
  • High production

Sometimes, EDX and microscopy may fail to provide the data required to identify the specimen. This is where the Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) comes in handy.

Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) In Sample Analysis

FTIR is used in ftir analysis labs to help identify the chemical compounds in various products, including paints, food, and pharmaceuticals. It helps analysts understand materials better. Unlike EDX, which uses X-rays, FTIR uses an infrared absorption spectrum to identify molecular chemical bonds in organic and inorganic samples. The analytical instrument gives information about covalent bonds and functional groups. It screens samples and produces a profile of the spectra.

The best part is that the infrared analytical methods complement molecular spectroscopy techniques such as Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (GC/MS), Infrared-spectroscopy coupled to Thermogravimetric Analysis (FTIR/TGA), Raman scattering, and Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (LC/MS).

FTIR Analysis Of Polymers & Plastics 

FITR is a popular analytical method of identifying polymers and determining the quality of plastic material. The analytic method is not only reliable but also cost-effective. Remember, the quality of plastic material is dependent on the polymer materials used during manufacturing. Therefore, quality tests are requisite in ascertaining quality and performance.

FTIR experts use this analytical method to assess the quality of plastics and polymers by comparing the spectra of the sample vis a viz the sample material. As a result, they can conduct quality control by discerning the differences between the two samples. Further analysis can help determine the contamination level.

FTIR Applications 

  • Screening impurities
  • Analysis of paints, coats
  • Investigating the composition of organic and inorganic samples
  • Qualitative and quantitative scans of solids, liquids, and gasses
  • Metal analysis
  • Detecting contaminants
  • Screening personal care products, pharmaceuticals and
  • Used in formulation and deformulations

Final Words 

If you are working on analyzing and identifying the material composition of any sample, you should try out EDX. FITR is a great alternative if the data does not provide sufficient information to identify the specimen. The infrared-based analytical method is not only cost-effective but highly reliable. But you don’t have to go through all the hustle, let professionals can handle the analytical job. You can rest assured of expert analysis, guaranteed results, and informed inference.

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