Most people are scared of teeth cleaning because of the discomfort, prodding, and strange noises associated with it. But the truth is, teeth cleaning is relatively painless and simple. Knowing its importance and how it is done will ease your stress and help you enjoy the minty-fresh results.

Regular dental cleaning is essential to achieve good oral health.

Apart from keeping your mouth fresh, routine teeth cleaning in Fort Lauderdale will let your dentist check your overall mouth’s condition, so issues like gingivitis and cavities can be dealt with early.

By going to your dentist at least every six months for teeth cleaning, you’ll get the assurance that your oral cavities are in being checked and you can avoid any major dental problem from arising.

Why Dental Cleaning Is Important

If you think dental cleaning is not essential, here are compelling reasons to have your teeth professionally cleaned regularly.

Prevent Cavity

One of the primary reasons why you should visit your dentist regularly for cleaning is to prevent cavities. Besides, getting a cleaning is far more cost-effective than getting a root canal or filling a cavity. More importantly, cleaning is a more pleasant experience than getting dental caries filled.

Inhibit Tooth Loss

Gingivitis or gum disease is a severe problem. It usually begins with plaque buildup on the teeth.

If left untreated, the plaque will move down into the tooth, destroying the supporting bone tissues. As a result, the tooth will come loose and start to fall out. With dental cleaning, the possibility of tooth loss due to gum disease is significantly reduced.

Keeps Your Breath Fresh

Bad breath is a result of severe bacterial growth inside your mouth. Take note that regular brushing and flossing is not enough to remove all the debris and odor-causing bacteria in your mouth. But the cleaning you get at the dentist is more thorough. It removes the plaque and tartar that you can’t remove at home.

Saves You Money

Most insured patients enjoy free dental cleaning. But even if your insurance does not cover teeth cleaning, you will find that you will less likely need costly dental procedures later as a result of routine dental cleaning.

Brightens Your Smile

People who commit to regular dental cleaning have brighter, whiter teeth with less plaque and tartar and fewer stains.

Improves Your Overall Health

Your dental health has a massive impact on your overall health. After all, the roots of your teeth are near your brain and sinus cavities.

Any problem with your oral cavities may lead to severe health conditions, including brain and heart infections. On the contrary, regular visits to your dentist will improve your overall health through the early detection and treatment of any dental problems.

6 Steps In Dental Cleaning

There are generally two parts of teeth cleaning – the examination and the cleaning. Discussed below is the detailed step-by-step process of how it is done.

Step 1: Physical Examination

Prior to the actual cleaning, your dentist will examine your entire mouth to check for any signs of the following:

  • Plaque and tartar
  • Gum disease
  • Diseases of the throat, neck, and tongue

If any problem is detected, your dentist will decide if it is safe to proceed with the cleaning.

Step 2: Plaque & Tartar Removal

Your dentist will use a small mirror as a guide and a scaler to get rid of plaque and tartar between your teeth and around your gum line. During this time, expect to hear scraping. The more tartar present in your mouth, the longer the time is required to scrape it.

Step 3: Teeth Polishing

Once your teeth are tartar-free, your dentist will brush them using a high-powered electric brush, which creates a grinding noise. It may sound scary, but this step ensures your mouth gets a deep clean, getting rid of any tartar that the scaler can’t remove.

Dental cleaning involves the use of toothpaste that tastes and smells like the one you use at home, but this one has a gritty consistency, which gently scrubs at your teeth. This type of teeth polishing may be harsh as it can wear down the enamel, but it is considered safe when done by your dentist at least twice a year.

Step 4: Expert Flossing

An expert flossing session is the most effective form of flossing. Your dentist can reach deep between your teeth and pinpoint any potential trouble areas. It will also remove any toothpaste or leftover plaque from the earlier cleaning steps.

Step 5: Rinsing

Your dentist will give you a rinse that often contains liquid fluoride to flush out any debris in your mouth.

Step 6: Fluoride Treatment

The application of fluoride treatment is the last step of the professional teeth cleaning process. The fluoride acts as a protectant to help your mouth fight against cavities for the next couple of months.

Your dentist will place the sticky paste or foamy gel into a mouthpiece, then fit it over your teeth for a minute. After that, fluoride varnish can also be painted on your teeth using a small brush. This will harden as it comes in contact with your saliva so you can eat or drink right after.

Once the dental cleaning is over, your dentist might suggest any additional treatments you may need depending on your mouth’s current condition. Undergoing tests like X-rays may be necessary before the proper treatment plan is set. Alternative options may also be recommended if you need any.

To guarantee the longevity of your professionally cleaned teeth and gums, you need to maintain proper oral hygiene in between dental visits. These include brushing with fluoride toothpaste, flossing daily, and gargling with mouthwash to control bacterial growth inside your mouth. Your dentist may even suggest at-home treatments to guarantee good oral health.

Keeping a healthy smile is not difficult, but it requires a team effort.

You must follow a good dental care routine at home to provide maximum defense for your teeth against plaque, tartar, tooth decay, and gum disease, which can result in tooth loss. At the same time, schedule regular dental visits to remove all the plaque that can only be flushed out through professional dental cleaning and to detect any oral problem before it becomes worse.

Reap the benefits of professional teeth cleaning.

Call your dentist in Fort Lauderdale now for an appointment!

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