A home makeover can make your home feel fresh and new. You’ll want to spruce up each room to make your house feel different. However, it can be challenging to know what to do, especially when you want to work on every room.

We’ve put together this short guide for you. Below are ideas to help you refresh, renew, and redesign each room in your house. Let’s jump in!

1. The Living Room

Let’s start with the living room because it’s the home’s main room. There are plenty of simple things that you can do with that space to make it look entirely different.

Begin by rearranging the furniture. Trying multiple different layouts will help you decide what you like the best. Don’t feel like you need to commit to a design right away. You can always move the furniture around again.

It helps to build zones in the living room by using area rugs. Set your chairs and couches on the rugs to create a socializing area. You can also have lounging, reading, and playing areas. You can create zones in your living room even if it’s small, so give it a try. 

Next, consider making some changes to the flooring. Upgrading your old floor to reclaimed hardwood flooring can make a significant difference. It’ll look nice and new and can match any theme.

There are also plenty of benefits to using reclaimed hardwood. It’s much more durable than new wood because it comes from older trees. These trees had more time to grow, so they’re much denser. Lastly, reclaimed wood has unique weathering patterns you won’t find in new planks.

2. The Bedrooms

The BedroomsNext, you’ll want to work on redesigning your bedrooms. Like your living room, you can start by moving some furniture around.

If you have the room, consider adding a couch or other seating. It can give you another place to relax during the day and will make the space feel different. Plus, you can decorate it with textures, including throw blankets and pillows.

You’ll want to update your bedding for sure. The bed is the focal point of any bedroom, usually because it’s the largest piece there. Changing the bedding can breathe new life into the room. You’ll also want to include a few decorative pillows that match your theme.

Adding a new bookshelf or bedside table can also make a significant difference. You even try floating shelves for a new look. These surfaces are perfect for decorating, too. Try setting small sculptures, vases, plants, and books on them.

Finally, new curtains can renew your room. You’ll want to choose ones that match your theme but are thick enough to block light so you can sleep well.

3. The Bathrooms

The next big room that people redesign is the bathroom. Start by updating your towels and bath mats. Then, change the shower curtain to match.

You can also change the counter for the sink or add some new tiles to the shower. These ideas are more complicated to complete, but they’ll completely refresh your bathroom.

Next, add some hanging art and plants to the room. It’ll make it feel brand new, even if you don’t change much else.

If you can, consider repainting the bathroom or adding a new patterned wallpaper to upgrade the design.

4. The Kitchen

There are a few simple steps you can take to make your kitchen look refreshed, too. Consider adding a colorful or textured backsplash. There are several cheap backsplash options. For example, you can use peel-and-stick tiles or wallpaper. They’re also easy to install alone as a DIY project.

You can paint the cabinets or upgrade them completely with new ones. Installing open shelving is another option. You can display your favorite utensils, spices, and decorations on the shelves. Plus, they’re easy to install yourself.

5. The Home Office & Study Rooms

Home Office & Study RoomsNext, you’ll want to redesign your workspace. Start by decluttering your desk. You’ll feel refreshed and like you have room to breathe again. Then, rearrange the room’s layout so it makes sense to you. The layout must be good for focusing on work. So, you may want to move the desk away from the windows. 

You can also upgrade the furniture in the room. A new desk or office chair can go a long way. You may even want to add a small couch for lounging in on your breaks. Area rugs are another great option and they’re simple to set up.

Lastly, you may want to add a bulletin board. You can change the decorations on it often, so it never gets stale. Plus, you can hang reminders, photos, and much more off of it. You’ll feel more efficient when you use a bulletin board.

6. The Hallways & Entryways

Don’t forget to redesign your hallways and entryways. These spaces often get overlooked during the remodeling process.

Add a large mirror to the entryway. You can make it the focal point of the space easily by finding one that comes in an ornate frame. Then, add a welcome mat, coat hooks, and a small table with some decorations. You can also make a space for your guests to leave their shoes.

In your hallways, hang family photos and other artwork. You can even make a gallery wall of all of your favorite pieces. Lastly, add an elegant runner.

All of these small changes can make a huge impact on your space. The entryway is what your guests will see first, so you want to design it to make a lasting impression on them. Try to design it to reflect the rest of your home’s themes.

Use These Simple Ideas To Refresh Your Home

In short, there are plenty of simple methods you can use to redesign your home. You don’t need to use the most complicated remodel ideas to make changes. Instead, a few small adjustments here and there are needed to give your home a new look.

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