For years, people have debated whether paper packaging is better for the environment or plastic packaging. While it is widely assumed that paper goods are more ecologically beneficial than plastic since they are manufactured from a renewable resource, the idea that paper is more durable than plastic is not that simple. Some of these myths stem from failing to evaluate the bag’s whole life cycle. It’s not only a matter of how bags are discarded or how long they take to disintegrate; other factors have an impact on the environment as well.

While paper is made from trees, which are a natural resource, the manufacturing process consumes a significant amount of power. Paper production emits 3.5 times more greenhouse emissions than plastic packaging production. When trees are destroyed, there are fewer trees to absorb greenhouse gas emissions. Paper bag production consumes more than 25 times the quantity of water used in plastic bag production and generates seven times the quantity of solid waste.

In the last several years, technology has improved considerably, and the idea of plastics going straight to the trash is now a thing of the past. Custom mailer boxes are one example. These boxes are made of sustainable, recyclable and sturdy corrugated boxes. They can be made of any size or shape according to customer requirements.

The most significant decision you can make is to choose packaging that does not have to wind up in the trash and to pick biodegradable choices when recyclable choices are unavailable.

Paper Packaging Benefits

Manufacturers have frequently employed paper packaging because it provides customers with efficient storage and practical packaging that is attractive and simple to handle. Furthermore, because it is made from recycled materials and comes in a variety of forms and sizes, this sort of packaging is exceptionally safe for the environment. OBT Packaging too offers innovative and sustainable packaging for its customers.

Paper-based packaging, often known as paper containers, is more extensively used and accepted than plastic containers for a variety of reasons. It is because of the benefits it provides not just to the end-user but also to the environment.

Material That Biodegrades

Paper containers are constructed from renewable materials such as paper and paperboard, contributing to their environmental sustainability. The basic material, like wood, may be obtained from responsibly managed forests, is easily recycled, and is, by definition, biodegradable. With that said, custom packaging boxes with logo are made with recyclable material. By opting for these customized boxes to comply with your brand image, you are also contributing to the environment.


Paper packaging may be reused in various ways, including wrapping paper, fiberboard, and paper bags. Plastic bags, unlike paper, can only be recycled into new plastic bags. Furthermore, better paper bags enable dry items to be stored on shelves, safeguarding both the food and the shelving.

High Sustainability

Paper bags are both environmentally friendly and durable. Cardboard boxes, in particular, can withstand enormous weights while remaining upright. Progressive paper wrapping will also keep the goods fresh. Paper can lock in smells while keeping insects out, making it a good choice for well-sealed items like flour and spices. Custom packages with logos are designed in paper material which has all the benefits for the environment. They are durable, adaptable and can be made with your logo on them. They are ideal for food packaging as well.

One example of high sustainable packaging is Custom mailer boxes. These boxes are lightweight and make it easy to store things. You can use them to move items easily. Kraft (brown) corrugated cardboard Is ideal for brands promoting natural ingredients and products due to the rustic look.  OBT Packaging beats all other packaging solutions implying that you can rely on their services for every kind of packaging.

Plastic Packaging Benefits

Plastic is one of the most often used food packaging materials. Many of the things we buy from shops are packaged in a range of diverse types of plastics. We all need to think about the recycling industry, especially given our dependence on these durable and useful polymers.

Plastic Is Lightweight

When it comes to shipping expenses, weight is a significant consideration. And lower transportation costs imply higher profits for the store or price reductions for us. Another advantage of lighter packing in transportation will be a reduction in carbon emissions as a result of being able to carry more on each journey.

Plastics Are Recyclable

Because plastics can be reused, packaging may frequently be manufactured from recycled plastic. If we continue to recycle what we can, we will lessen the demand for raw materials and the quantity of waste plastic that ends up in landfills. We must continue to improve our plastic recycling rates so that we may continue to live the lifestyles to which we have grown used without further harming the environment.

Plastics May Be Moulded Into Any Shape

Plastics, unlike many other materials such as paper, maybe moulded to whatever shape you choose. As a result, they are suitable for storing specific things. Whether it’s bottled for storing beverages or tubs for butter and yoghurt, the adaptability of moldable plastics allows package designers to accomplish anything they want with the material.

What Is The Most Sustainable Solution?

Is there, perhaps, a perfect base solution? The short answer is no. The application will determine whether paper or plastic is the best sustainable, flexible packaging material. The actual focus, however, should be on decreasing all single-use packaging, irrespective of substrate.

Better recycling methods, more recycling-friendly flexible packaging solutions, less amounts of substrate per package, and a stronger focus on establishing a circular economy are the way forward for the flexible packaging sector. OBT packaging has a wide array of sustainable solutions that help in all aspects of moving and storing things.

Overall, the issue is determined not so much by the substrate utilized as it is by how much we utilize and how we process it back into the manufacturing cycle.

Collaboration among brands, plastic manufacturers, recycling firms, and converters is critical for driving development toward more sustainable, flexible packaging solutions.

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