When investing in any project, you need to exercise caution. Even while hiring a professional for a task, it’s important to thoroughly research candidates so that you can protect yourself. Hiring a contractor for complete home renovations is no exception. There are both good and bad contractors in this industry, like any oth so always do your homework beforehand. In this article, we have shared the best protocols for every individual to follow before hiring a contractor to complete home renovations.

Things To Consider Before Hiring A Contractor

Verify Their Legitimacy

A genuinely professional contractor should have their bonding, licenses and insurance readily available for you to verify. If they don’t immediately have it with them, they should be able to provide it well before any work gets underway or any contracts are signed.

Before hiring a contractor make sure they have the following things:

  1. Contractor’s license (valid)
  2. Liability insurance for covering any injury or property damage
  3. Workers compensation insurance

Always double-check all credentials before hiring a contractor. You can verify the bond by contacting the agency that issues the particular bond and cross-checking the bonding number of the contractor.

Asking For References

The best way to hire a good contractor is by choosing someone who is renowned and has a good reputation in the industry. Ask your relatives or friends if they know of any contractors who have provided good service.

You can also check real-time reviews of customers from Google or other social media sources to get an idea. And don’t hesitate to ask for the contact number or details of any two previous clients of the contractor. If the contractor refuses to provide the details, he is likely hiding something.

Is The Price Really Right?

It will cost you more to hire a reputable contractor rather than an unlicensed one. A reputable contractor will charge you more due to the overhead cost and the quality of their services. If quality work is what you are looking for, then pay a few extra bucks and hire a licensed reputable contractor.

  • Do not pay too much in advance: a down payment is often asked for by most contractors. But if the contractor asks for a down payment over thirty percent of the project, then you might want to reconsider.
  • A written contract is a must: always ask for a written contract to maintain transparency and protect your interests. This is also the best way to ensure that everyone is on the same page when it comes to what is expected in the project and how any additional costs will be handled.

How To Tell Good Contractors From Bad Contractors

Here are some of the ways you can differentiate between a good and a bad contractor:

Good Contractors

  • Good contractors will be always transparent about every cost involved in the project. They will not give you vague estimates or make guarantees about overall costs. They will give you many options and possibilities of how a job could go.
  • A good contractor has good reviews online. Also, a good contractor will have a good reputation in the market. Don’t settle for a contractor whose market reputation is not that good, no matter how honest he sounds.
  • A good contractor has years of experience in the field with knowledge from other contractors and industry experts. Always go for contractors who are knowledgeable in the market because they have experience, not theory.

Bad Contractors

  • Bad contractors often offer the same service at relatively lower costs to attract customers. This is mainly because they do not have the proper equipment, experience or documents such as licenses, bonding and insurance.
  • Bad contractors often don’t get a permit from the local authorities. For example, for a major renovation, a contractor may need to obtain several different permits from your local city office. If he is not complying with the necessary permit requirements, you will definitely have a problem – perhaps one even bigger than your faulty hire!

Now that you know about the difference between good contractors and bad contractors, here is some more information about different renovations that might be helpful for you when selecting the right contractor for the job.

Cosmetic Renovations Vs. Major Renovations

While cosmetic renovations involve improving the appearance of a house or building without changing its actual structure or making any big changes, major renovations or remodelling involve a physical change of a building or establishment by altering the original structure. While both sound almost the same, there is quite a difference between renovation and remodelling.

Coming to the cost factor, major renovations are often more expensive than cosmetic renovations because they involve a lot of extensive processes and expensive equipment.

Unlike a cosmetic renovation, a major renovation will require special permits from the local authorities and the documentation process is a bit more complex.

In a nutshell, whatever your project might be, always do thorough research before hiring a contractor for a complete home renovation project.

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