Although you may know a lot about your business’s core function, it is unlikely that you are an expert on everything that your business will need to get it off the ground. This is perfectly fine, and you will find that there is no reason for you to know all about absolutely everything, just as long as you can either ask for help or admit that certain areas do require a different skill set to that which you own:

1. Hire Employees

Hiring employees when you are used to working alone can feel like a bit of a minefield. However, there are employment agencies that could help you with this. Although you may well do to vet the individuals yourself, you could, if you wished, stick to hiring temporary workers.

The main benefit here is that if they do not fit, or you find they lack the skills or attitude necessary to do whatever you ask them, you can ask the employment agency to place them elsewhere, saving you the anxiety or discomfort of sacking or letting that person go.

2. Use Outsourcing Facilities

If, at first, you feel that you do not have enough work to warrant having someone with you, either from an employment agency or personal hiring, part-time or full-time, you can take advantage of outsourcing facilities.

These are not just big businesses, but some individuals are looking to provide their knowledge, experience, and expertise on a subcontracting basis. This means that they are purely involved with a certain project or part thereof. When their work is complete their contract with you is fulfilled and you will no longer have to pay for their time unless you wish to hire their specific services again.

3. Install Helpful Software Tools

Rather than start up large departments within your business, or for that matter, have departments at all, you could opt for having specialized software to make your life a lot easier until your business becomes big enough to justify it.

If, for instance, there are only a few of you in your business, and maybe a couple working on an outsourcing basis, you are likely to find it beneficial to install payroll software. This will help you with areas such as onboarding, taxes, PTO, and overtime pay, as well as any benefits packages for your workers. Getting your payroll right will take some of the weight off of your shoulders, so you can concentrate your efforts on the small matter of running your business.

4. Rent Office Space

When you started, you probably just ran things from home, neatly sidestepping the need to pay out rent for premises. However, as things have got bigger working from your home is not likely to be a viable option for you, and you need to look elsewhere. For instance, hiring a desk at a hot desk facility could be perfect for a fledgling business that has little to no staff or has its workers working remotely. If, however, your business is already too large for this, then looking for established businesses that are renting floor space could be another low-cost option before opting to hire an office all of your own.

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