Vertigo can be a debilitating condition, and if you have experienced it, you are probably searching for the best treatment method. There are various causes of vertigo, and recommended treatment is generally based on the cause. For some causes of vertigo, Oregon City physical therapy may be effective for managing or eliminating the symptoms.

What Causes Vertigo

Vertigo refers to the sensation of spinning, and many sufferers say that they are extremely dizzy and feel off balance when they have an attack. There are certain conditions that can produce this sensation, such as:

  • Migraines
  • Head injury
  • Tumor
  • Stroke
  • Diabetes
  • Low blood pressure
  • Certain medications
  • Meniere’s Disease

Issues with the inner ear are also common causes of vertigo. For example, it may occur if there is a hole in the inner ear or if surgery injured the inner ear or associated nerves. Vertigo may also be caused by an infection or disorder of the inner ear.

Helping You Manage Your Symptoms More Effectively

Symptoms of vertigo can range from mild to severe, although an episode may only last for a short duration. Salmon Creek physical therapy may be able to help manage these symptoms.

Common Symptoms & Complications

Along with dizziness, many people experience additional symptoms, such as:

  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Ringing in the ears
  • Headaches
  • Fullness feeling in the ear
  • Hearing loss

Many individuals also have balance issues when they have a vertigo attack. This can result in falls that may cause broken bones or a head injury. People who suffer from vertigo may also find that driving is dangerous, or that their work or home life is affected.

How Physical Therapy Can Help Treat Vertigo

During your initial visit with a physical therapist, he or she will ask you a variety of questions, such as:

  • When did you first experience vertigo?
  • Does any particular movement seem to trigger vertigo?
  • How long does an attack last?
  • What symptoms do you experience when you have an attack?

Your PT may also perform certain tests to see if any particular movement brings on dizziness. If the physical therapist thinks you would benefit from therapy, you will receive a customized treatment plan.

One common treatment method used is vestibular rehabilitation therapy. VRT consists of specific exercises of the head and neck to shift the balance of the inner ears. At first, these may increase vertigo symptoms, which means they are being performed correctly. With consistency, these moves will reduce or eliminate symptoms.

Your physical therapist may also give you exercises to improve balance, improve vision focus, and increase tolerance of visually stimulating environments. You may also learn repositioning maneuvers, such as Epley maneuver.

If you do not make progress with your physical therapy sessions, your PT will reevaluate you and perhaps make a referral to another healthcare provider.

Not every physical therapist has experience working with vertigo clients. If you are a PT and understand how to treat the condition, search for physical therapy jobs near me to see what is available in your area so you can help others.

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