Coffee is a staple for many busy people in modern times. As we head out the door and touch our lips to the first sip of our brewed concoction, it slaps us awake, getting us ready for the productive day ahead.

After the first five hours of the workday fly by, you’re eager to get your hands on some more of that rich aromatic coffee you’re used to. You sift through your cupboards in your breakroom until you find your favorite Glasshouse Mountains Coffee blend.

You quickly whip up a batch for you and your coworkers and get back to work. You and everyone around you groan a sigh of relief at the sight of the heavenly liquid. You’re not even remotely worried about if your favorite drink is safe, but should you be?

How Many Cups Of Coffee A Day Are Safe?

As much as coffee can get you through the day, it’s also important to consider a balance in the way you drink. According to you and your body, the answer for you may be different than the answer for someone else.


The amount of caffeine you consume has a large impact on how much coffee you can safely consume. The American FDA recommends that adults who are considered healthy can safely drink up to 400mg of caffeine per day. Most caffeinated cups of coffee have around 90 to 100mg per eight ounces. That means you could safely drink about four eight-ounce cups per day before reaching the limit.


Studies have shown that drinking too much caffeine while pregnant could potentially lead to a host of medical issues. It is recommended that those who are pregnant should have no more than half the American FDA recommendation. That means 200mg a day and sometimes less when breastfeeding. Of course, you should always seek your own medical advice from your doctor.

Caffeine Overdose

Overindulging in caffeine can become a medical issue. Caffeine overdose can lead to mild issues such as headaches, jitters, a stomach ache, and more. But too much caffeine can also lead to ulcers, heart palpitations, heart attack, and more. It’s important to consider moderation when dealing with most things, including caffeine.

What About Decaf?

If you’re looking to drink more coffee without the caffeine, decaf won’t necessarily keep you awake at work, but it will give you that familiar enriching taste. In 1999, the American FDA found that the minuscule amount of caffeine in decaf coffee means that it won’t really affect your health based on volume. However, it is important to consult your doctor before considering consuming high amounts.

Potential Health Benefits Of Coffee

Although it’s important to consider moderation with your caffeine intake, coffee has been shown to provide health benefits for those who drink it regularly. What are those benefits?

  • Caffeine in coffee can potentially help burn off fat.
  • Coffee helps catch you up on your vitamin intake. It usually contains B2, B3, B5, as well as Manganese and Potassium.
  • Scientists think it may help in Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and cancer prevention.
  • Studies have shown coffee consumption can lead to a healthier liver.

For most healthy adults, it seems that four eight-ounce cups of caffeinated coffee are safe to drink. It can be a relief to know that you can still partake in that tasty pick-me-up while remaining safe.

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