Does your home always feel cold or drafty despite having your heating on practically all the time? If so, then it’s highly likely that you’re losing too much heat from somewhere in your home. This could be from the roof, the walls, or even the flooring.

When it comes to heat loss prevention, there are many different techniques that you can utilize depending on your budget and the type of home that you have. Find the right ones for your home right here.

Upgrade The Insulation

If your home doesn’t have sufficient insulation, you could be losing as much as 20% of any heat that you generate. Offering a simple and highly effective way to lower your energy bills and reduce your carbon footprint, insulating your home will make it feel warmer and more comfortable.

You might be able to get grants for internal wall insulation depending on where you live, as well as funding for roof and loft insulation.

Draft-Proof The Windows & Doors

When you sit near a window or door in your home, is there a noticeable draught? If so, then you could benefit from buying some draft-proofing strips. These are inexpensive, readily available, and can be easily applied to the windows and doors in your home.

Alternatively, you could try using a sealant or putty to close up any gaps that have occurred due to cracks in your window or door frames.

Invest In Heavy-Cuty Curtains

You may be surprised at just how effective heavy-duty curtains can be at reducing the amount of heat that escapes from your home. Thick curtains are perfect for rooms such as your living room, bedrooms, and dining room, acting as an additional barrier between your home and the outside world.

When hanging curtains, make sure that they don’t hang over your radiators as this will block any heat from coming out and circulating in a room.

Bleed Your Radiators

If your radiators aren’t working as efficiently as they should be, this can send your energy bills soaring and make it much harder to keep your home at a comfortable temperature. Often, the cause of inefficient radiators is trapped air, and this means that they need bleeding.

If you’ve never bled a radiator before, there are lots of simple tutorials online that you can follow or you could hire a professional to do it for you.

Fill In Any Gaps In The Flooring

Gaps in the flooring are a magnet for heat loss and can cost you a small fortune in wasted warm air. If you suspect that there are gaps in your flooring or you can see noticeable holes, then these need to be filled as quickly as possible.

You can any fill small- to medium-sized gaps with papier-mâché as long as you are not planning to expose your floorboards as a feature. Alternatively, for larger gaps, you may need a more industrial type of filler.

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