Everyone needs a bit of a reset for the new year, and what better way to get started on your resolutions than starting with better sleep? Feng shui bedroom optimization is the perfect way to get started with some positive energy that you can bring with you into the new year.

Your bedroom can say a lot about the way you choose to prioritize sleep. If you sleep in a cluttered, cramped space, chances are you’re not sleeping too comfortably. Feng shui bedroom decor draws on traditional Chinese philosophy to balance various energies of a space, creating the perfect environment for a good night’s rest.

From finding the best mattress dimensions for your space to understanding how to position the bed itself, feng shui bedroom decor comes with plenty of rules that are helpful guidelines for any space. Are you wondering how to get started in your own feng shui bedroom? Here are some top tips:

Keep Clutter To A Minimum

Too much clutter or crowded bedroom decor can actually cause disturbed or frantic energy in your space. Instead, it’s important to have evenly spaced, clean bedroom furniture to create a calm and peaceful flow of energy.

Keeping the space underneath your bed clutter-free is going to be equally important when you try to decorate your feng shui bedroom. Try to ensure the space beneath your bed is completely clear because clutter underneath it can create negative energy while you try to sleep.

Finding a good mattress size for your space can play an instrumental role in this. Ensuring you’re picking the right mattress size for your sleep is going to make all the difference when it comes to creating the perfect feng shui bedroom.

One of the most important aspects of a feng shui bedroom is to ensure there’s an openness that allows plenty of light and air circulation in your space. Most interior decorators recommend choosing a mattress size that permits at least two inches of space around your bed. If you have a smaller bedroom, then a queen mattress size or twin mattress size is going to be a lot more appropriate for your space.

Of course, mattress size isn’t the only thing that gives your bedroom an overly cluttered look. Feng shui bedrooms with larger mattress sizes can still work, so long as they include storage solutions that make it easy to deal with excess clutter.

Place Your Bed In Commanding Position

Once you’ve picked out the mattress size you want, it’s time to position your bed so that you’re primed for success. The ‘command position’ refers to a place in your bedroom that is directly in line with your front door, but not opposed to it. This position allows you to have the best vantage point of anyone who tries to enter your space, without putting you in danger, according to traditional Feng Shui philosophy.

Another thing to keep in mind with relation to your feng shui bedroom is to ensure your bed frame has a headboard and is placed with no space between the headboard and wall. This arrangement helps you stay connected to your romantic partner, and can even help you attract a strong relationship if you are single.

Choose Bedroom Colors That Are Naturally Calming

Feng shui bedrooms are drawn to neutral and earth-toned colors because these shades are naturally calming, and help contribute to a better night’s sleep. Brighter colors such as red, orange, or yellow can all actually activate the brain, and make it more difficult to get a good night’s sleep.

If you tend to prefer bolder colors in your space, why not opt for shades of red, burgundy, or mauve as accents in various elements of your bedroom? This way, you can incorporate the tones you want, without letting them overtake your space.

Other things that have active energy you want to avoid for your bedroom include books – so if you like a little bit of bedside reading, remember to keep a maximum of one to two books by your nightstand, and leave the rest of your library elsewhere in your home.

Another thing to keep in mind with relation to feng shui bedroom colors is the type of art you choose to display in your space. To invite more partnerships in your life, make sure to pick pieces of art that come in pairs, or depict pairs in the images. This is going to be especially important as you try and attract more positive energy into your space.

Do A Final Cleanse & Detox Of Your Space

Nothing says hitting the reset button better than doing a deep clean of your space and removing any old belongings that might still have some emotional baggage attached to them. When you’re trying to clean your bedroom, remember to use nothing that has toxic materials, and stay organic and planet-friendly where possible.

When in doubt about clearing your space, keep Marie Kondo’s famous rule in mind – does your belonging ‘spark joy’ or is it wasteful to be holding on to it for so long? If the answer to the latter is yes, you know you can either donate or throw it away. Make sure that your bedroom has only things that have functional value to your space.

Your bedroom is the space you spend most of the time in at home, so it’s important to ensure it is a space that is filled with comfort and encourages positive feelings to attract that energy into other areas of your life. From choosing the best mattress size that makes sense for your space, to picking out colors that resonate with you, there are plenty of ways you can keep decorating your space for a good night’s sleep while staying within the many guidelines of feng shui.

To attract a little more positive energy into your space for the new year, try using these guidelines to reset your room and invite a little more vibrancy to your life. Happy decorating!

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