For over a decade, advertisers have been discreetly collecting user data, called ‘browser fingerprinting’. This process involves exploiting a number of browser parameters to piece together a profile of its user’s device. The techniques involved range from forcing the device to draw invisible images and thus evaluating its graphics capacity to recording the audio produced by it.

In response to these questionable data-collecting practices, more people have begun using a relatively recent online privacy solution—anti-detection browsers. Dolphin Anty is one of such particular browsers, designed explicitly for spoofing browser fingerprints.

This article delves into what Dolphin Anty is, how it works, and who could benefit the most from its features.

Understanding Browser Fingerprinting

Before exploring the Dolphin Anty browser, it would be helpful to revise the concept it is designed around—browser fingerprinting. It begins with browsers and the device-related data they store.

Browsers need to maintain data about their user’s device to communicate to websites how they should load up. For example, when a person enters a page from their phone, the website has already received information–called User-Agent string–that the layout must accommodate a smaller screen and lower processing capacity.

In essence, browser fingerprinting is the collection of such data by advertisers through various, usually script-running means. Here are some of the most common parameters that browser fingerprinting relies on:

  • User-Agent String: As mentioned earlier, the User-Agent string is a critical component of browser fingerprinting. It contains information about the user’s browser, operating system, and device type.
  • IP Address: Every device connected to the internet has an IP address, which can be used to determine the user’s approximate location. IP addresses can also be linked to specific ISPs or proxy servers, providing additional information to advertisers.
  • Browser Plugins and Extensions: The presence and configuration of browser plugins and extensions can be used for fingerprinting. Each user’s set of installed extensions can be quite unique and can help in identifying them.
  • Timezone and Language Preferences: Browsers transmit information about the user’s timezone and language preferences, which can contribute to creating a distinct fingerprint.
  • Canvas Fingerprinting: This technique involves rendering an image or text in a hidden HTML5 canvas element and measuring how the user’s device renders it. The subtle variations in rendering can be used as a fingerprinting method.
  • WebRTC IP Leakage: WebRTC (Web Real-Time Communication) can inadvertently leak the user’s local IP address, even if they are behind a VPN or proxy. This information can be exploited for tracking purposes.
  • Font Detection: By checking the list of available fonts on a user’s device, websites can create a unique fingerprint, as the font selection can vary significantly between devices.
  • Hardware Information: Some websites may use JavaScript to gather information about the user’s device’s hardware, such as CPU type, GPU capabilities, and more, to create a fingerprint.

What Is The Dolphin Anty Browser

Dolphin Anty is an anti-detection browser that allows people to mask their browser fingerprints. It works by having the user create ‘browser profiles’, which are populated with automatically generated browser parameters.

While Dolphin Anty alone conceals a set of browser parameters, it has to be set up with a proxy server. This ensures better online privacy and full functionality of the anti-detection browser itself.

A proxy is an intermediary server that sends and receives traffic between people’s devices and the internet. Through this rerouting, it hides the IP addresses belonging to devices—a feature that is not available in the standalone Dolphin Anty, or other anti-detection browsers.

Dolphin Anty Browser Use Cases

We have already established that Dolphin Anty is a viable composite tool for protecting the privacy of browser parameters. However, this privacy is more than just a means to achieve peace of mind online. It opens up a range of practical use cases, particularly in professional and business contexts.

  • Digital Marketing and Advertising: Marketers often require multiple online personas to test campaigns, manage ad accounts, or conduct market research. Dolphin Anty allows for the creation of distinct profiles, each with unique fingerprints, enabling marketers to work without the risk of being flagged by platforms for suspicious activity.
  • Social Media Multi-accounting: Social media professionals managing multiple accounts for different clients can use Dolphin Anty to segregate these accounts efficiently. This separation ensures that the activities of one account do not affect another, maintaining the integrity of each client’s social media presence.
  • E-commerce and Online Retail: For those involved in e-commerce, especially in areas like dropshipping, the ability to manage separate profiles for different stores or platforms is crucial. Dolphin Anty facilitates the management of these multiple entities from a single dashboard while keeping each profile’s activities distinct and secure.

Key Advantages Of The Dolphin Anty Browser

Apart from being multi-purpose, Dolphin Anty stands out in the market for anti-detection browsers as a conveniently designed, user-centric product. It is welcoming to casual users as well as corporations in need of tools for managing large-scale operations.

  • Team Collaboration Made Easy: The browser includes advanced team collaboration features. Team members can share and transfer profiles quickly, making it convenient for groups working together on online projects.
  • Efficient Proxy Management: Dolphin Anty provides robust support for proxy management, allowing users to assign different IP addresses to each browser profile. This enhances the ability to stay undetected and manage multiple profiles efficiently.
  • Profile Isolation: Profiles created in Dolphin Anty are entirely isolated from each other, akin to working with virtual machines. This ensures that multiple accounts can be operated simultaneously without risk of cross-contamination.
  • User-Friendly Interface: Dolphin Anty has a Chrome-like user interface, making it accessible and easy to navigate even for users who are not tech-savvy.
  • Workflow Automation: The browser includes a Scenario Builder tool for automating routine tasks and creating scripts to streamline various online activities. This is particularly useful for tasks like form filling or managing multiple accounts.


Dolphin Anty emerges as a robust and versatile solution among anti-detection browsers, addressing the growing concerns around online privacy and browser fingerprinting. Its array of features, from profile isolation to workflow automation, caters to individual users and professional teams, making it an essential tool for various online activities.

With Dolphin Anty, users gain not only enhanced privacy but also the flexibility and efficiency needed daily, whether for marketing, social media management, or e-commerce.

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