Want to purchase your first quilt? You’re lucky today! This article explores the world of quilts to enable you to find the perfect match for your unique needs.

Part of the fun is learning about the different types of quilting styles and techniques available to choose from. Let’s dive deeper into the quilts world to discover some of the popular options available for you.

Patchwork Quilts

Patchwork quilts are the most popular and common. They are popular because this quilting technique is the most straightforward. Patchwork simply involves sewing different patches or pieces of fabric together to make blocks. These pieces aren’t complex shapes.

They can be simply geometrics, hexagons, triangles, squares, or rectangles. Pieces with curves also create some good-looking patchwork quilts. The patchwork technique involves countless patterns. You can find all types of motifs, shapes, and even letters. Many people love patchwork quilts because they’re a beautiful, timeless piece.

Applique Quilts

The applique style of quilting includes shapes sewn onto the background either by a machine or hand. Creators of applique quilts have complete freedom. It’s straightforward to create an applique quilt.

A shape is drawn on a fabric. After that, it’s cut and then sewed onto the background. Applique quilts’ backgrounds are usually light in color and solid. But you’ll also find darker and printed background fabrics.

Several different ways to finish the edges of an applique piece exist. You can decide to go for the zig-zag stitch or leave the raw edges. This ensures no fraying. Another way to finish an applique quilt is to roll the edge and stitch it down to provide a clear verge.

Crumb Quilts

Crumb quilts are also known as scrap quilts. They take advantage of odd-shaped pieces to create attractive mosaic-like designs. They are more like crazy quilts. However, there is a slight difference. One type of fabric is used to make crumb quilts. It usually involves quilting cotton to make the blocks.

Crumb quilt design is an ideal option if you’ve got a bunch of scraps from previous projects. However, you aren’t quite sure where you can utilize them. It’s possible to use smaller pieces of fabric or simply crumbs.

Depending on your requirements, you can go for little pieces of fabric in a sporadic or uniform way. Improvisational quilting is what results in a sporadic crumb quilt. If you want to create a quilt for yourself, this quilting process can be an enjoyable one. It’s a great way to make something abstract and express your creativity.

Crazy Quilts

Crazy quilts date back to the Victorian era. People, especially women, would make these fantastic intricate quilts out of some odd-shaped pieces of fabric and display their impressive embroidery skills. They managed to embellish the quilt tops with a huge range of stitches and embroidery designs.

They would stitch down these old-shaped fabrics to a foundation fabric in order to stabilize the designs, ensuring they will not stretch or rip over time. This type of quilt features a free-spirited, bohemian feel as a result of different fabrics and stitches. The result of this quilting style and method is an attractive conversational piece of artwork.

Want to own a quilt that perfectly matches your needs? You can choose from these types. While you can create your quilt, Serena & Lily provides you with a range of readymade quilts to pick from. Explore the various options available before you can pick your favorite style.

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