When you have a small piece of land, you would like to see a beautiful garden grow there. Not just anyone, the one that suits us, ours. Depending on our character, we will prefer a flower garden but with lots of lawn or a Japanese garden with different flower scents.

The more vegetation a garden has, the more insects, butterflies and small animals such as hedgehogs will be seen. It is good to install a few benches, here and there, in the garden to admire it under all its seams. The view differs according to epochs, angle of view, time.

Under a tree, we will have a reading corner, near the building, we will put a table and chairs to enjoy the family meal, and here, where the shade forms for the afternoon, we will place a deckchair to take a nap in the open air. A small fountain to attract birds and squirrels is of the most beautiful effect.

Japanese Garden

Not to mention the tiny zen garden with mini cactus and mini rake to put on the desk, we can speak of Japanese garden for spaces filled with Zenitude.

We then play on shapes, colors, sounds. Let’s peel this language to develop our personal Nippon garden.

The Forms:

The more we round the angles, and the more we are in the vein, Japonization and Zenitude. Whatever our idea of development or redevelopment of the land, we do not need any steep corners. Slabs can have all possible shapes except with corners. Bushes, shrubs and even trees will be pruned, not according to our imposed form, but according to the one that the plant imposes.

No, we can’t let him do what he wants either, he needs to trim but the gardener needs to stay tuned. The plant is alive, and it also has its genetic character.


They must be harmonious. Not all flowers or plants get along, even if they are of the same color but in different tones. Again genetics counts. One can make tests in a mini greenhouse by uniting in the same place but not in the same pot of flowering plants that one would like to associate.

It can be seen that there are dominant plants that even manage to kill others at a distance. There are also cuttings or plantations that bring something beneficial to another flower and boost it without losing its superb.

The choice is difficult but it is sometimes necessary to leave aside a plant or flower a little too aggressive. Plants and flowers must communicate, get along and bring serenity to visitors. We need to emerge calm from a Japanese Garden in which we will have spent at least 30 minutes. A few stops on benches to enjoy the view of the water and the small colorful wooden bridges are very relaxing.

The Sound:

One must, in a Japanese Garden, hear the silence of men and the sounds of nature. The flowing water being the main sound. It’s lapping, its small waterfall, the bypassing of the stones are sweet melodies. The singing of birds, the rustling of foliage are soothing.

If you settle for a small stretch of water topped by a small bridge and a short lawn garden dotted with Japanese slabs, you just have a caricature of a Japanese Garden. We will quickly get tired of it, it is absolutely necessary to create and feel vibrations.

Lawn & Color Around

When we have children, the garden must be dedicated to them. This does not prevent you from having some shrubs, flowers or even fruit trees.

“Lawn” is often used as a generic word to define all the grasses that can line the ground. Whatever its name or Origin, this grass should mow to avoid the coming or passing of unwanted beasts. In this garden will grow swings, a slide, and a hut, in the colors of the trees. A turnstile spray on the ground to amuse the children and water the ground at the same time. It is necessary to leave them with something to play, which does not prevent decorating the perimeter of the garden.

You can also plant a hedge, but not anyone, some are dangerous and to avoid when you have animals and children: the Laurel Rose gives very beautiful flowers, its growth is fast, but it is very toxic if it is ingested even in small quantities; the pyracantha or burning bush is dangerous, not because of the toxicity of its red or orange berries that are almost harmless, but like any small object, they can clog the airways if they are swallowed by a small child.

But that’s not all, the pyracantha has long thorns that run through the soles of shoes. Small pieces of thorny branches often tread the ground after a gust of wind.

It is necessary to inquire from a nurseryman, to plant a safe hedge, even if it grows slowly.

Natural Swimming Pool In A Flowery Setting

No need to dig a deep pit, the cavity also depends on the size of the terrain or the one you want to give to the basin. We are not talking here about a swimming pool in which necessarily swim, but a pool in which to cool off. Children will also be able to enjoy it because the water is “clean” and shallow. Plants and rocks clean and filter water.

Around it, one can create a bamboo grove, an area of Ajonces and by moving away all tastes are allowed. One can dare the Rose Garden, the flowering bushes laid like pompoms in the garden, flanking succulent plants like the cactus. With this kind of basin, one should try to save water to the maximum. Having only the roses to take care of is a plus. Ecology is not the only trend, it is necessary for the survival of the planet.

The Semi-Wild Garden

Maintained and yet so wild because we bet on biodiversity. It is not left to abandon that garden that looks a little cluttered, no, on the contrary, every plot is bio-studied. Wild plants and herbs bring nutrients to the crops.

How To Get The Same?

There are no two bio-diverse gardens that resemble each other line by line. The only common trait is respect for nature. Why leave these weeds in the vegetable garden? Because they save water. They keep, at the level of their roots, moisture that they communicate by capillarity to the vegetable plants that are close to them. It also works with flowers, shrubs.

Whenever you need help for your gardening projects, get free estimate from gardening expert Chicago

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