Throughout the world, personal injuries occur in the workplace. Did you know that each locality experiences different types of workplace injuries, though? In the US, every year about 2.6 million non-fatal accidents occur, but even within the US, the injuries differ by locality.

Workplace Injuries Vary By Locale

In areas like Silicon Valley in California, for example, most workplace injuries occur in office jobs and consist of repetitive motion injuries, such as carpal tunnel syndrome. In Indianapolis, Indiana, the recent growth in the number of warehouses has caused forklift accidents and other warehouse accidents and injuries to top the list, along with construction accidents. In New York City, New York, a mecca for restaurants, culinary staff members represent one of the largest injured audiences, with cuts and lacerations topping the list of typical injuries.

Warehouse Accidents & Their Causes

Indianapolis personal injury lawyers deal with cases involving forklift accidents and other warehouse accidents and injuries every day. Accidents in warehouses stem from six common causes, including:

  • Inadequate safety or job training
  • Failure to follow safety protocols or a lack of these protocols in the workplace
  • Unsafe work conditions
  • Defective equipment
  • Inadequately maintained equipment
  • Employer or third-party negligence.

A dangerous workplace situation may develop from one or more of the above conditions.

Common Types Of Warehouse Injuries

In a warehouse, employees may experience exposure to hazardous materials and/or slippery surfaces. Their jobs may require lifting heavy items or operating heavy machinery, such as booms or forklifts. In the US, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) requires each workplace to develop and maintain safety protocols that meet its guidelines and regulations. When an employer does not meet these requirements or an employee neglects to follow protocols and use the provided personal protective equipment (PPE), injuries can occur.

In warehouses, forklift injuries prove extremely common. Each year in the US, about 95,000 workers incur injuries involving a forklift. About 100 workers die annually in forklift accidents. Those injured include the forklift drivers and employee bystanders. Typical forklift-related injuries include:

  • Traumatic brain injuries (TBI)
  • Head and back injuries
  • Spinal cord injuries
  • Partial or complete paralysis
  • Joint or limb damage ranging in severity.

Some forklift injuries require long-term health care as well as devoting significant time to rehabilitation, something that workers’ compensation insurance covers.

How Workers’ Comp Insurance Helps Injured Employees

Contacting a personal injury lawyer after seeking initial medical treatment for one of these on-the-job injuries helps the employee to obtain a fair and just settlement for their injuries. The attorney typically handles filing the paperwork for all levels of compensation, beginning with the payment of medical treatment and rehabilitative services, and the employee’s pay while injured, which provides two-thirds of their typical salary.

If you or a family member become injured at work, contact a personal injury lawyer specializing in workers’ comp immediately. Obtain the services of an experienced lawyer to help you obtain just compensation so you can return to as normal a life as possible.

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