There’s no doubt in acknowledging Amazon as the largest platform for E-commerce. Currently, it’s reigning as the world’s biggest online retailer allowing more than 12 million products to be sold. Not only that, Amazon has garnered a lot of trust over the years, as more than 197 million buyers do their monthly shopping over this E-commerce platform. As a seller, you may ask yourself, what can I do to divert this considerable traffic to my brand’s website? Well, you can accomplish this task through Amazon Pay-Per-Click (PPC).

By putting together an appropriate Amazon advertising strategy, there is a good increase in sales against the competition can be achieved, even if you’re short on budget. Usually, most shops go for essential items initially; you can incorporate clever techniques to get much better results. From this point onwards, we’re going to discuss the critical aspects of direct sales, substantiate Return On Investment (ROI), and brand awareness.

Targeting Users With Long-Tail Keywords

For every Amazon PPC strategy, it’s the keyword research impacting the most. With relevant keywords, you can make your product appear in front of the targeted audience. Since you cannot go for phrases or long sentences, keywords should be long-tailed.

Think of it like a particular buyer searching for “gaming laptop with latest specs” will narrow down the search more than just “gaming laptop.” Doing keyword research minimizes competition and is far from being expensive.

Being someone completely new to the platform takes time to get the desired ranking and convince buyers to click through. Using phrases with low competition and higher buying intent can improve sales and increase brand awareness.

Boosting Profit Margin By Product Profitability Analysis

Amazon’s PPC strategy starts with selecting profitable products. You need to figure out which products are likely to be preferred by the audience such that they would click through your PPC. Start by shortlisting the products, and run advertisement campaigns for them. Upon analyzing, you will find which of the selected products are likely to sell the most. Not only will this save your money, but it will help you direct your entire focus on coming up with better strategies to market the one product only.

Analyzing Amazon Ad Placement Report For Campaigns

On Amazon, there’s no such thing as a hands-off approach. With continual updates and changes in policies, you cannot confide in just one ad strategy to give you positive results. Most successful sellers on Amazon spend time doing research and analyzing their strategies to keep their ads visible, having an advantage over the competition.

Over the years, Amazon’s placement has changed significantly. While there were only three options for sellers in 2018, the recent update has expanded to five options. This has allowed sellers to have more control over their campaigns and revamp performances.

Navigating Traffic From Other Channels To Your Amazon Store

You cannot simply rely on Amazon PPC strategies to direct audience traffic. Even though PPC campaigns are ideal for nurturing your viewers about your product and generating revenue, you still need other marketing strategies to increase buyers.

With Amazon’s fluent customer support, you can use the advantage of bringing traffic directly to your online store instead of your brand’s website. Social media platforms such as Facebook, Reddit, Snapchat, and TikTok can generate higher ROI. After getting done with your Amazon Listing Optimization, here’s what you can hope for:

  • Traffic from Day One.
  • An extensive network insight where targeted customers are present.
  • Users of Instagram and Reddit ready to purchase your product.
  • Encouraging influencers to advertise your product using their reach.

Knowing The Right Audience To Reduce Ad Expense & Increase Profit

Besides sponsored ads and keyword research, every seller on Amazon figures out the targeted audience first. It’s because you cannot sell your product to just everyone. There must be a specific audience bracket that can purchase your product only.

Think of it as laying the foundation for a house. No matter how many keywords you use, if the structure isn’t concrete, it would crumble. Once the demographics are understood, you can locate keywords that can help your customers solve their pain points. You can also outline the audience’s online behavior and decide which social media platforms are next to target.

For example, someone struggling to cope with daily schedules won’t have time for physical activity. Running ads of a portable fitness machine for such customers is ideal. Once you get the hang of these nuances, it becomes much easier to run ad campaigns that indeed bring conversions.

Creating A Tempting Landing Page

Contrary to a specific landing page, a good landing page has a call-to-action (CTA) button, minimal yet catchy text, and good graphics. Here’re some tips for making a good landing page that will surely bring you conversions.

  • Using Features: Adding a time limit feature to the landing page is a great marketing tactic. It compels the buyers to avail of your offer before it expires. It also helps in increasing sales by 33%
  • Including a good Call-to-Action: A CTA serves as your landing page goal. If your landing page doesn’t have a CTA, buyers won’t know how to proceed with the purchase. Using a catchy CTA, you can prevent users from bouncing off your landing page and instead proceed with the conversion.
  • Brand optimization: Your landing page is a clear reflection of your brand; hence it needs to stand out from other competitors. Try to figure how you want your landing page to be instead of copying ideas from others. The uniqueness of your page is what would connect the audience with your brand.
  • Use product images and video: Content is a vital thing for helping the customer solve their problems. Just as people get influenced by reading, the same goes for images and videos. With the help of a product videography service, you can give better exposure to the audience using product visuals.


By using these techniques, you can enhance your business on Amazon. No need to spend a significant budget on PPC campaigns to get results. All you need is concrete keyword research and a good advertisement strategy. By analyzing progress and adjusting according to changing trends the winning formula to boost sales.

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