Clichés are cliches because they happen to be true and one of the most often quoted and most accurate of all is that home is where the heart is.

Whether you live in a large, detached property with ample backyard and ground space, or else a smaller apartment in the middle of the city, no room is too small that it cannot be decorated with home products showcasing your own individual sense of style and personality.

With this in mind, continue reading to learn of some fabulous yet affordable ways to inject some much-needed personality into your home décor.

Splashes Of Your Favorite Color

If your walls in the living room, bedrooms and even other spaces within the home are essentially a shade of vanilla, cream, white or stone, then these areas are certainly ones to focus on.

The best way to instantly add some warmth, personality and style to the walls is to simply choose a tin of your absolute favorite color, as long as your favorite color doesn’t happen to be white of course, and paint the back of each shelving unit where the wall shows through.


If you have one or more children in the home, one of the most frustrating things parents report is that they never seem to be able to keep their interior living spaces tidy for long. Even though their home is clean, the sheer volume of toys, games, stuffed animals and other paraphernalia belonging to their children results in a floor that often resembles a yard sale.

An affordable yet incredibly effective solution is to invest in some durable yet aesthetically pleasing storage bins and boxes. These baby nursery storage bins are incredibly reasonably priced and are made of quality materials which means they will withstand being constantly handled by tiny fingers.

Experiment With Mirrors

Another incredibly simple way to add tone, personality and depth to your home is to start experimenting with different sizes and shapes of mirrors.

For example, placing a rectangular mirror of a generous size, especially when sitting in a frame of light wood, will instantly make the room feel larger and simultaneously more welcoming, perfect for when you invite loved ones to view your newly updated home.

Mirrors with colored or bold frames, such as gold mirrors, are also a fabulous way of expressing your own individual fashion sense, then coupled with a vibrant bunch of flowers on the dresser beneath, can completely change the feel of a room in an instant.

Light Fixtures & Fittings

Gone are the days when the options for fixtures and fittings for ceiling lights and lamps were limited to just four or five designs, but now you can check plenty of options from Astro Lighting. Many people across the length and breadth of the country choose to omit traditional bright lights which light the whole room for a warmer and more intimate feel.

Smaller spotlights can be deliberately focused on objects or ornaments that you would like to be a focal point in each room and choosing colorful lampshades and even lightbulbs can make a huge difference to the ambience and atmosphere of a space.

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