When you have an elderly relative, it can be a difficult time when you and your family need to consider moving them into an assisted living facility.

There are some tell-tale signs that it is time to consider placing them in such a setting, especially if they have mobility needs that are becoming increasingly difficult to manage in the home, or they are showing advanced signs of cognitive decline.

However, before you go thinking it’s all bad news, there are many advantages of moving to an assisted living facility for elderly people, if you find the right place for them when the time comes. So, this article will introduce you to the core benefits of assisted living.

Prevents Social Isolation

Suppose your loved one has mobility needs that prevent them from going out, or they have issues relating to dementia or Alzheimer’s. In this case, it is unlikely that they will be going out very often. This increases their isolation, especially if they live with you or other family members who must work. By moving to senior living in Louisville KY, they will be in a place with lots of other elderly people who will have similar needs to theirs, and this will increase their social interactions and can even help to reduce stress and the symptoms of Alzheimer’s and other types of dementia.

24/7 Access To Care

Another core advantage to consider is the 24-hour access to nursing care and medical staff. If you work and your loved one is left at home for hours on end, should they become injured, it may take a while for them to be discovered, which increases the risks to their long-term health. Being in an assisted living facility, they will be observed regularly, and there will be medical staff on hand to notice any potential changes to their gait, dietary intake, or mannerisms, which will then be followed up.

Focus On Independence

With all the adaptations and outings, the focus of assisted living is not to simply put somebody into a room and leave them there. The aim is to promote independence, and in a facility where they can move around with more ease and have access to friends and activities, you may be surprised at how quickly your loved one becomes a social butterfly.

More Leisure Time

Without having to clean, cook or undertake other household chores, your loved one will have more leisure time. This will enable them to spend their retirement years truly relaxing in a facility that is catered to their needs. Great!

Balanced Diet

Many elderly people who live alone, or have been widowed, no longer see the point in cooking healthy meals. So, they may slip into creating smaller, less nutritious meals, especially microwaveable ones, as they are cheaper. This is not great for their health, and in an assisted living facility, there will be staff on hand to cook the meals for them and to ensure that they are well-balanced, thus, improving their health and diet.

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