For anyone who has considered moving home, you’ll know that the process of buying and selling houses is always stressful!

Before you go through all the stress of trying to sell your home, it’s worth knowing which small changes you can make to your home that could have large impacts on its value.

This article will go through the top ways you could be damaging your property’s value and offer some advice on how to fix those problems.

Property Value Is Important

Selling houses can be complex, and you’ll want to ensure that you get it right! When buying a property, the buyer is handing out a lot of money and so they want to make sure they are getting the best deal that they can, otherwise it could put a strain on your finances in the future.

When deciding on a house purchase price, you’ll need to consider the value of the property. For example, are there any problems with the house that might reduce its value? Will any repairs cost more than what they’re worth?

Here are a few things you should be aware of.

1. Location, Location, Location

Everyone knows that properties in good locations are the more valuable! This is true in terms of homes and businesses – no matter what the property is for really.

When buying the property, the location should be a high priority and so the location of the property you are selling should be shown in the best light possible. Use an agent with a thorough knowledge of the area to sell your house.

It may also be worth sitting down and doing some research into why properties in your area are selling for less than they should be. Are they really in a good neighborhood? Are they too close to things that can be perceived as dangerous, like high voltage power lines or deep ravines?

It’s always best to check these things in advance and fight any development that will devalue your home, or you could end up needing an Houston high voltage power line attorney to help you win compensation!

2. The Outside Matters

The outside of a house is important to buyers – these problems are seen as more expensive or harder to fix and so are more likely to put a buyer off than the need for a new kitchen. If you have any doubts about your property, you should get it inspected before trying to sell.

You should ensure that the roof looks sound and there aren’t any potential dangers. Vegetation like grass and trees can cause issues if they aren’t maintained properly. For example, if there is overgrown grass or shrubbery on your lawn, it could be susceptible to a wildfire and could create a fire hazard.

3. Curb Appeal Is Key

The first impression when you look at a home will be from the outside. If your house looks overgrown and poorly maintained, then even if the inside is immaculate and freshly done, potential buyers will still be on the alert for problems.

A simple tidy of the garden could be all that is needed – make sure that there is no rubbish laying around, or that it is at least tidied into one corner. If the flowerbeds and lawn are neglected, then draw attention away from these with an abundance of flowering pots. Any thing that needs painting or fixing, do it. If your car needs some maintenance work, try parking somewhere else for visits.

4. Don’t Forget The Inside

The inside of your property is just as important as the outside. If there are any holes in the walls or cracks in the paint, it might be wise to have this fixed before you sell your home.

If you have any stained or worn carpets, try investing in some rugs to cover the worst of the damage in a styled way.

Any damaged fixings should be replaced and any potential hazards – for example faulty or bare wiring. You may have learnt to just avoid touching that light switch but you shouldn’t expect a buyer to put up with that.

5. De-Personalize Your Home

It’s hard to get rid of old memories, especially when it comes to sentimental items. For example, you’ll probably want to keep your items out to remind you of the good times, but people don’t want to see them when they are looking to buy your home. Relocate these items to a storage container to wait until you move into your new home.

Removing some of the clutter in your home will also make it easier to keep clean and tidy during the viewing process and for the realtor photos.

6. Improve Your Home Security

Home security is important for many reasons. If you have any worries that someone is trying to break into your home, it might be in your best interest to get security measures in place.

For example, you can install burglar alarms or a dog or cat as a pet, which will help deter people from breaking in.

When you’re selling your home, though, your dog is not usually included! Make sure you show the potential owners a fully comprehensive home security system, including sensors and cameras, to boost your property’s value.

7. Poor Quality DIY

Improving your home can help increase its value. However, if you’re looking for a quick fix and decide to try and do your own DIY job, you might be damaging the value of your property.

For example, if you choose to install some flooring in your home but don’t have the best tools or experience, it could lead to mistakes like uneven floors or snags in the material.

Depending on how much damage is done, it could cost more to fix than what it’s worth, and actually reduce the selling price of your property.

Conclusion: Be Mindful Of Property Value

Whether you’re selling or buying a house, protecting its value is important for the future of your property.

If you’re paying an agent who is knowledgeable about what will increase or decrease the value of your property, then you’ll have a much better chance of knowing how much you’re paying for things like a new roof or an updated kitchen.

If you are unsure about how to market a property, are having problems with your landlord, or don’t want anything more than just a cheap place to live, it’s entirely possible that the value of your home could be diminished.

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